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Помогите пожалуйста с английским. 2 задание

Анастасия Зилотова Ученик (79), открыт 1 неделю назад
2 ответа
Арсений Николин Ученик (131) 1 неделю назад
1) They are not playing very well today.
2) What are you studying at the moment?
3) They are making a big mistake.
4) Is your brother working in London now?
5) She is talking to her father at the moment.
6) Why are you wearing sunglasses? It is raining.
7) I am going on a picnic. Come along?
Mat Su Знаток (407) 1 неделю назад
1. They are not playing very well today.
2. What are you studying at the moment?
3. They are making a big mistake.
4. Is your brother working in London now?
5. She is talking to her father at the moment.
6. Why are you wearing sunglasses? It is raining.
7. I am going on a picnic. Come along?
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