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Помогите пожалуйста люди добрые пж

Тамара Крохалева Ученик (79), открыт 4 недели назад
Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the given adjectives: heavy, long, old, short, tall, young.Mike is ___________________ of all.
Alice is ___________________ than Stella.
Steve is ___________________ of all.
Stella’s hair is ___________________ than Lana’s hair.
Bob is ___________________ than Steve.
Alice is ___________________.
2 ответа
Сталкер Оракул (57047) 4 недели назад
  1. tallest
  2. younger
  3. heaviest
  4. longer
  5. older
  6. shortest
Даниил Гуру (4826) 4 недели назад
2)alice is younger...
3)Steve is taller of all.
4)Stella’s hair is longer than Lana’s hair
5)Bob is older than Steve
6) the shortest
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