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мастур бист Ученик (22), открыт 4 недели назад
1. Listen the text and mark the sentences 1−5 (T) True and (F) for False.
1. Sand and sea form beaches.
2. Sand comes from pebbles.
3. All the beaches are of the same material.
4. Coral makes pink sand.
5. You can only see dunes in deserts.

2.Underline the correct words:

Example: You can buy bread/ have a snack at the baker’s.

1 You can have a picnic/ watch a film at the cinema.
2 You can exercise/ relax at the gym.
3 You can find a book/ take pictures at the library.
4 You can see fish/ watch football at the aquarium.
5 You can swim/ see a play at the theatre.
1 ответ
Joseph Гений (64337) 4 недели назад
2.Underline the correct words:

Example: You can buy bread at the baker’s.

1 You can watch a film at the cinema.
2 You can exercise at the gym.
3 You can find a book at the library.
4 You can see fish at the aquarium.
5 You can see a play at the theatre.
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