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Помогите пожалуйста с английским !!!

юлия лафкткина Ученик (130), открыт 2 недели назад
1 ответ
Billy King Знаток (326) 2 недели назад
25.1 Complete these sentences in at least three different ways to ask people their opinion.

1. What do you think of the proposed changes?
2. How do you feel about the new building?
3. What's your opinion on the transport system?
4. What are your thoughts on the new divorce law?
5. What's your stance on the government's decision to make parents responsible?

25.2 Fill the gaps with the correct word. (One word only.)

1. A: What did you think of it?
B: Well, I didn't like it.
2. According to the radio, we won't know the result until tomorrow morning.
3. I agreed with him to a certain extent.
4. As far as I'm concerned, we need to buy a new photocopier immediately.
5. I'm afraid I disagree with you.

25.3 Rewrite these sentences without using the underlined words and phrases. The meaning must stay the same.

1. In my opinion, you can't learn a language in three months.
-> I don't think you can learn a language in three months.
2. I think the club needs to buy new players.
-> In my opinion, the club needs to buy new players.
3. Yes, I think you're right.
-> I agree with you.
4. According to the newspaper, terrorists started the fire.
-> The newspaper reports that terrorists started the fire.
5. I agree with her to some extent.
-> I partially agree with her.

25.4 Continue these short conversations. You can either agree with the point of view and add to the argument; or introduce a different point of view. If you introduce a different point of view, remember to start with a short expression of agreement first.

1. A: A lot of women are quite happy to stay at home and be housewives.
B: I agree. I think that's a perfectly valid choice for women who want to make it. However, I also think it's important for women to have the opportunity to work outside the home if they want to.
2. A: The state shouldn't give money to people who don't want to work.
B: I agree that people who are able to work should be encouraged to do so. However, I also think it's important to provide support for people who are genuinely unable to work, such as those with disabilities or who are caring for young children.
3. A: People from developing countries need all the help we can give them.
B: I agree that we should do what we can to help people in developing countries. However, I also think it's important to remember that we have our own problems to deal with here at home.
4. A: We should think about legalising cannabis.
B: I agree that the current laws on cannabis are too harsh. However, I'm not sure whether legalisation is the best solution.
5. A: It can be very dangerous if people become too nationalistic.
B: I agree that nationalism can be a dangerous force. However, I also think it's important for people to have a sense of pride in their country.
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