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Напцок Азамат Ученик (93), открыт 2 недели назад
1 A Where are / were / was you last night?
B I am / were / was at my grandparents' house.
2 A Were / Are / Was you with your brother?
B No, I 'm not / weren't / wasn't.
3 My sister were / was / wasn't ill last week, so she was / weren't / wasn't at school.
4 My father was / wasn't / weren't at university in the 1960s. He were / wasn't was at university from 1971 to 1974.
5 A Were / Was / Wasn't your grandparents alive during the Second World War?
B Yes, they was / weren't I were. My grandfather were / was / is born in 1940.
My sister and I are / was / were born in 1983.
1 ответ
Faney Ученик (120) 2 недели назад
1. A Where were you last night?
B I was at my grandparents' house.
2. A Were you with your brother?
B No, I wasn't.
3. My sister was ill last week, so she wasn't at school.
4. My father was at the university in the 1960s. He was at the university from 1971 to 1974.
5. A Were your grandparents alive during the Second World War?
B Yes, they were. My grandfather was born in 1940.
6. My sister and I were born in 1983.
Напцок АзаматУченик (93) 2 недели назад
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