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Помогите срочно надо вставить слова: centre postcard town forests sightseeing

Анна Куличкина Ученик (86), открыт 4 недели назад
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you from Elk, a beautiful (1)…… in Poland. My family and I decided to come here this summer, however it is raining while I am writing this (2)…… to you. Hopefully it will be hot again soon.
There are beautiful lakes and (3)…… here, therefore I go for long walks every day or canoe down the river Elk. I am enjoying the trip very much. Most afternoons we go (4)…… and then we have dinner at excellent restaurants in the (5)…… of the town. Last night I tried a local fish dish. It was a very interesting meal.
What about you? Are you enjoying your holidays?
See you soon,
1 ответ
Kurujikuto Профи (609) 4 недели назад
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you from Elk, a beautiful (1) town in Poland. My family and I decided to come here this summer, however it is raining while I am writing this (2) postcard to you. Hopefully it will be hot again soon. There are beautiful lakes and (3) forests here, therefore I go for long walks every day or canoe down the river Elk. I am enjoying the trip very much. Most afternoons we go (4) sightseeing and then we have dinner at excellent restaurants in the (5) centre of the town. Last night I tried a local fish dish. It was a very interesting meal. What about you? Are you enjoying your holidays? See you soon, Mark.
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