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Кирилл Сергеев Ученик (69), закрыт 1 неделю назад
Словосочетания :watch TV, listen to music, cook dinner, tidy your room, play football, visit your grandparents, surf the Net.
Лучший ответ
Полина Зарубина Знаток (380) 2 недели назад
Yesterday, I watched TV and enjoyed my favorite show.
She listened to music all day, enjoying the new albums.
We cooked dinner together last night, experimenting with new recipes.
He tidied his room to make it clean and cozy.
Over the weekend, we played football with friends at the stadium.
Остальные ответы
Александр Щуков Ученик (213) 2 недели назад
Watched TV, Listened to music, Cooked dinner, Tidied your room, Played football, Visited your grandparents, Surfed the Net
My dad watched TV, I listened to music, My mom cooked dinner, I tidied your room, Me with classmates played football, We visited your grandparents, I surfed the Net
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