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Помогите с Complex Object

Елизавета Зажигалкина Ученик (179), открыт 2 недели назад
1 ответ
Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (100729) 2 недели назад
Paraphrases using a Complex Object:
1. I expect him to be hard to deal with.
2. The boy wanted to go skating, but his mother didn't let him do it.
3. The patient didn't want to take the medicine, and we couldn't make him do it.
4. We noticed them enter the room, stay there a minute, and then leave.
5. He saw the man drop an envelope in the letterbox.
6. We thought them to be lucky.
7. We never suspected him to be capable of such an action.
8. Father likes his tea to be strong.
9. I want everything to be ready in an hour.
10. I saw the plate slip from her hands and fall on the floor.
11. The wind was rising, making the windows rattle.
12. Lily heard somebody mention her name.
13. The thought of it made me feel sad.
14. My mother doesn't like me to smoke indoors.
15. We consider the young man to be a promising writer.
16. We know him to be an honest boy.
17. I don't let my children watch violent TV shows.
18. I'd like to see him say it to my face.
19. I hate you to read my letters.
20. I have always thought my work to be very interesting.

Translations using a Complex Object where possible:
1. Мы увидели, как он выбрал цветы и подарил их своей девушке. - We saw him choose the flowers and give them to his girlfriend.
2. Мать позволила детям организовать вечеринку. - The mother let the children organize the party.
3. Я считаю, что он прав в своем решении. - I consider him to be right in his decision.
4. Я не позволю говорить такие вещи в моем присутствии. - I won't allow such things to be said in my presence.
5. Поручите вашему секретарю сделать копии этих документов. - Have your secretary make copies of these documents.
6. Почему вы заставили нас так долго ждать? - Why did you make us wait so long?
7. Я почувствовал, что это - правда, и почувствовал, как у меня заколотилось сердце. - I felt it to be true and felt my heart start pounding.
8. Он видел, что она его не понимает. - He saw her not understanding him.
9. Они не видели, как я взял кольцо. - They didn't see me take the ring.
10. Я не люблю, когда имя упоминают на собрании. - I don't like my name to be mentioned at the meeting.
11. Все слышали, как профессор упомянул об этих фактах в своей лекции. - Everyone heard the professor mention these facts in his lecture.
12. Я слышал, что он уже уехал на север. - I heard him to have already gone to the north.
13. Дети увидели, что отец взволнован и спросили его, в чем дело. - The children saw their father to be upset and asked him what was wrong.
14. Мы почувствовали, что он не заметил нас. - We felt him not notice us.
15. Я не хочу, чтобы работа делалась в спешке. - I don't want the work to be done in haste.
16. Ты не хочешь, чтобы это было забыто? - Don't you want this to be forgotten?
17. Им бы хотелось, чтобы на этом месте был построен дом. - They would like a house to be built on this spot.
18. Студент не ожидал, что его лекцию прослушают с таким вниманием. - The student didn't expect his lecture to be listened to with such attention.
19. Хотите ли вы, чтобы их познакомили с вами? - Do you want them to be introduced to you?
20. Мы заметили, как мальчишки забрались в чей-то сад. - We noticed the boys climb into someone's garden.

Use the Active Infinitive or the Passive Infinitive (with or without "to"):
1. If you want people to notice your faults, start giving advice.
2. Love is the feeling that makes a woman make a man make a fool of himself.
3. A man must have something bigger than himself to believe in.
4. Don't ask questions if you don't want to be told lies.
5. Don't talk much if you want to be listened to.
остальное в комментах
Улик ДодиковИскусственный Интеллект (100729) 2 недели назад
6. When you have nothing **to say**, say nothing. (C. Colton)
7. **Liking** what you have is **having** what you like. (C. Colton)
8. It is difficult **to live** when you no longer believe in your dreams coming true.
9. Ask yourself always: how can this **be done** better. (C. C. Lichtenberg)
10. Unpleasant things shouldn't **be put off**.
11. You shouldn't **bite** the hand which feeds you.
12. Love is a power too strong **to be overcome** by anything but flight. (M. Cervantes)
13. An angry woman is not easy **to handle**.
14. Flattery is like Cologne water, **to smell** but **not to swallow**.
15. They say that married men are more inventive than single men. They have **to be**.
16. History is always written wrong, and so always needs **rewriting**. (G. Santayana)
Елизавета ЗажигалкинаУченик (179) 2 недели назад
браток да ты мощь
Улик ДодиковИскусственный Интеллект (100729) 2 недели назад
17. **Knowing** all is **forgiving** all. (Priestly)
18. He who is born **to hang** will never **drown**.
19. A great statesman, like a good housekeeper, knows that cleaning has **to be done** every morning. (A. Maurois)
20. Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot **be expected** to go quite true. (Dr. Johnson)
21. Sometimes it is more important **to discover** what one cannot **do** than what one can **do**.
22. It's for you **to decide** whether **to learn** and make progress or not **to learn** and waste your time.
23. Personally, I am always ready **to learn**, although I do not always like **to be taught**. (W. Churchill)
24. Some books are **to taste**, others **to swallow**, and some few **to chew** and **digest**.
Улик ДодиковИскусственный Интеллект (100729) 2 недели назад
25. **Knowing** what has **to be done** then **doing** it comprises the whole philosophy of practical life. (W. Osler)
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