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страшныйсуд Ученик (80), на голосовании 22 часа назад
1.The author who has written several other books does not go on speaking tours.
2. I don’t like rules, but this one is very important: smoking is not permitted in or around the building.
3. Tina asked for help, Tom assisted her.
4. ‘Well, do I have a say in this matter?’, asked my dad impatiently.
5. I am as you have probably noticed, very nervous about this.
6. I would, therefore, like to participate.
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Никита Пичугин Мастер (1132) 1 месяц назад
1. The author, who has written several other books, does not go on speaking tours.
2. I don’t like rules, but this one is very important: Smoking is not permitted in or around the building.
3. Tina asked for help. Tom assisted her.
4. ‘Well, do I have a say in this matter?’ asked my dad impatiently.
5. I am, as you have probably noticed, very nervous about this.
6. I would therefore like to participate.
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