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Контрольная по английскому

Maks Volosnikov Ученик (94), открыт 1 месяц назад
Помогите пж
  1. Write the correct word from the list below each definition
  2. Frown,journalist, to finish with someone, to go sightseeing, vertigo.
  3. 1 a fear of hight
  4. 2 to stop going out with someone
  5. 3 an expression on your face when you are cross
  6. 4 someone eho interviews pople and writes articles in newspaper
  7. 5 when you visit a new place and look around
2 ответа
Мишка Фреде знает Мудрец (14109) 1 месяц назад
1. Fear of heights — vertigo.
2. To stop going out with someone — to finish with someone.
3. An expression on your face when you are cross — frown.
4. Someone who interviews people and writes articles in newspapers — journalist.
5. When you visit a new place and look around — sightseeing.
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