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Составьте предложения Что лишнее?

Виталий Консявичус Ученик (243), закрыт 9 лет назад
Составьте предложения Что лишнее?
1. a has does who bike got ?
2. has got a he who question ?
3. who in is are car the ?
4. lives in this who house these?
5. Thursday football play plays who on ?
Лучший ответ
. Ученик (0) 10 лет назад
Who plays football on Thursday? play
Остальные ответы
Neikoss60 Мудрец (11501) 10 лет назад
Who has got a bike? a
Who has got a question? he
Who is in the car? are
Who lives in this house? these
Who plays football on Thursday? play
Anton Мыслитель (9702) 10 лет назад
Thursday football play plays who on ?
Алла Бойко Знаток (347) 10 лет назад
Who has got a bike? does
Who has got a question? he
Who is in the car? are
Who lives in this house? these
Who plays football on Thursday? play
Диана Лобко Ученик (239) 10 лет назад
Who has got a bike? aWho has got a question? heWho is in the car? areWho lives in this house? theseWho plays football on Thursday? play
НЕУЖЕЛИ?! Высший разум (1215657) 10 лет назад
Who has got a bike? does
Who has got a question? he
Who is in the car? are
Who lives in this house? these
Who plays football on Thursday? play
Татьяна Илютко Ученик (112) 10 лет назад
Who has got a bike? aWho has got a question? heWho is in the car? areWho lives in this house? theseWho plays football on Thursday? play
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