Сергей Проскурин
10 лет назад
Just Cause 2
Happy Bubble Blaster gun X4249 Y25990
Boats, rocket launcher, ammunition X20624 Y31074
Collectibles, two rare vehicles, gas pumps X8033 Y28372
SAMs, fuel supplies, windmills X8268 Y26679
Upgrade at mansion porch X20172 Y27689
Upgrades near runway and lighthouse X17313 Y25610
Sniper rifle X6625 Y25672
Island with RPG, ammunition, and speedboats X20475 Y31170
Banana Fail message X21902 Y20264
Beach chalet X12052 Y11366
Cargo ship in desert X10420 Y23490
Propeller driver fake shark fin at lake X12730 Y22494
I Am Legend reference with chair X18207 Y21543
Mountain sculpture with three large faces X30377 Y30638
Racetrack with sports cars X9170 Y11413
Large satellite dish X23440 Y17420
Fallen cable car X20764 Y9831
Giant footstep X12874 Y26272
Frozen oil rig in lake with habitation pods X19548 Y12606
Floating porch light over water X3968 Y29844
Cape Carnival Rocket base X30172 Y14068
Gambler's Den X8646 Y23133
Grounded Mile High strip club X27272 Y9999
Karl Blaine's House X17276 Y14343
Three Kings Hotel X3709 Y31482
Panau Casino X18565 Y17755
Panau International Airport X9748 Y12798
Panau Capital City X3741 Y15786
Snow Peak base jump X20546 Y11828
Desert Peak base jump X8082 Y28454
Tropical Peak base jump X29197 Y28065
Ski Resort X24574 Y14786
Roaches HQ X12063 Y11326
Reapers HQ X17604 Y12909
Ular Boys HQ X17166 Y17225
Gas station X17677 Y26023
Gas station, two upgrades X7041 Y23175
G9 Eclipse jet fighter X22163 Y23265
G9 Eclipse jet fighter X11699 Y5106
Si-47 Leopard jet fighter X17141 Y12369
Large military jet transport X22163 Y23265
Aeroliner 474 passenger jet X9748 Y12798
AH-33 Topachula X5789 Y24985
H-62 Quapaw X5386 Y25645
Mullen Skeeter Eagle X26483 Y28770
Mullen Skeeter Hawk X3557 Y15293
Rowlinson K22 X8255
-=Motorcycles and ATVs=-
Makoto MZ 250 motorcycle X20401 Y24964
Makoto MZ 260X motorcycle X8252 Y28309
Mosca 125 Performance scooter X14751 Y25692
Shimuzu ATV55T ATV X17713 Y26000
Shimuzu Tracline ATV X6940 Y26060