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Анастасия Спирянова Знаток (285), закрыт 9 лет назад
1.He is dentist.2.Linda is a student.3.She is a secretary.4.Theyare mechanics.5.Mr.owen is manager.6.We are in the bank.7.They are in the office.8.He is intelligent.9.I am right.10.Jack is an engineer.11.Paris is a capital.12.Silver is a metal.13.The Tate Gallery is a museum.14.You are ill.15.She is a cook.16.We are doctors.17.He is a sportsman.18.We are in the cafe.19.Michael Jackson and Madonna are singers.20.He is 5.21.I am a teacher.
Лучший ответ
. Ученик (0) 9 лет назад
1.He is dentist.2.Linda is a student.3.She is a secretary.4.Theyare mechanics.5.Mr.owen is manager.6.We are in the bank.
Остальные ответы
Tanyusha Ученик (145) 9 лет назад
He isn't a dentist!Linda is not a student и тд.... He is a dentist?Linda is a student?...и так далее...
КупидонПрофи (713) 9 лет назад
ты что англ не знаешь? Is he a dentist? Is Linda a student?
Selena Gomez Ученик (211) 9 лет назад
там везде is not и
are not
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