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Раскройте скобки и составьте предложения, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

Алексей Галкин Ученик (207), закрыт 9 лет назад
1. /Institute/your/far/your/from/is/home?/
2. /I/when/like/it/didn’t/rained/my/in/childhood/
3. /city/part/in/street/traffic/very/the/heavy/was/of/this/the/
4. /usually/I/the morning/o’clock/seven/at/get up/in/
5. /Mother/the piano/now/playing/is/my/
Дополнен 9 лет назад
Вот еще немного. Перепишите предложения, изменив прямую речь на
1. She has said to me, “I’m awfully tired.”
2. He asked me, “Where are they now?”
3. Bill said, “I remember she was good at singing.”
4. “I’ve been in London for a month but I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, he
5. Don’t argue with your father”, I said.
6. “My friend lives in Moscow”, said Alec.
7. The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
8. He said, “They are leaving next Monday”.
Лучший ответ
Denny Знаток (280) 9 лет назад
ДЗ лень делать?)) у меня такие же "студенты"))лан помоЖу!)) только учителю не рассказывай!)).. .2: I didn't like when it rained in my childhood 3: This was very heavy part of the street traffic in the city 5 I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning
3: Чтобы не придрались - лучше так: This part of the street traffic was very heavy in the city
Алексей ГалкинУченик (207) 9 лет назад
Нет, я просто тупой.
DennyЗнаток (280) 9 лет назад
да, ладно, я знаю офигенное количество людей, которые сейчас успешней меня в денежном смысле, но английского не знают вообще и тупые, как валенки!)).. будь понаглей!... и поставь мне лайк, я ж помог, ёпта!))...
DennyЗнаток (280) 9 лет назад
другое дело, что деньги не абсолютно всё решают)).
КаэлУченик (192) 9 лет назад
Остальные ответы
Никита Соколов Ученик (123) 9 лет назад
1Is your institute far from your home?
5My mother is playing the piano now
Дальше лень)
Catarsees ? Мыслитель (7635) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now//
ммм Ученик (205) 9 лет назад
I didn't like when it rained in my childhood. This was very heavy part of the street traffic in the city 5 I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
This part of the street traffic was very heavy in the city
Valeriya Dankovskaya Профи (561) 9 лет назад
правильный ответ - третий сверху, только в 4. я бы Usually поставила в самый конец
Алексей ГалкинУченик (207) 9 лет назад
нужно соблюдать порядок слов
pol tooc Ученик (118) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now//
Ульяна Конарева Ученик (130) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now//
Саша Саблин Ученик (207) 9 лет назад
.2: I didn't like when it rained in my childhood 3: This was very heavy part of the street traffic in the city 5 I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning
3: Чтобы не придрались - лучше так: This part of the street traffic was very heavy in the city
Николай Ферулев Знаток (266) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now//
Спектра Вондергйст Ученик (187) 9 лет назад
Спороси на большой вопрос или на знания .сом
Имам Мутаев Ученик (148) 9 лет назад
1. is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now//
Анатолий Захаров Знаток (362) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now//
Ольга Пригарина Ученик (230) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now
Соня Бурова Ученик (111) 9 лет назад
1. /is your Institute far from your home?
2. I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood/
3. The street traffic was very heavy in this part of the city
4. //I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning
5. /my Mother is playing the piano now.
Каэл Ученик (192) 9 лет назад
Обычно в английском языке прямой порядок слов: определение, подлежащее, сказуемое и другое. В вопросах сохраняется тот же порядок, только на первое место выходит вспомогательный глагол (did, is, have). Поэтому твои предложения составляютя так:
1. Is your Institute far from your home?
2. In my childhood, I didn't like when it rained. (Здесь такой порядок слов из-за того, что In my childhood вводная конструкция)
3. This was very heavy part of the street traffic in the city .
4. I Usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning.
5. My mother is playing the piano now.
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