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Алексей Галкин Ученик (207), закрыт 9 лет назад
1. She has said to me, “I’m awfully tired.”
2. He asked me, “Where are they now?”
3. Bill said, “I remember she was good at singing.”
4. “I’ve been in London for a month but I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, he
5. Don’t argue with your father”, I said.
6. “My friend lives in Moscow”, said Alec.
7. The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
8. He said, “They are leaving next Monday”.
9. Tom said, “I like my tea strong and very hot.”
10. Ben asked me, “When did you join our circle?”
11. He said, “My wife has just been made a judge.”
12. Diana said, “I am going to the theatre tonight.”
13. Susan said, “I usually spend my holidays in the south.”
14. I said to them, “I can give you my uncle’s address.”
15. Nick said, “I shall travel a lot next year.”
16. He said, “I have just received a letter from my relatives.”
Лучший ответ
Лиза Знаток (271) 9 лет назад
She has said to me, “I’m awfully tired.” - She said that she was awfully tired.
2. He asked me, “Where are they now?” - He asked me where were they then.
3. Bill said, “I remember she was good at singing.” Bill said that he remembered (that) she was good at singing или had been good at singing
4. “I’ve been in London for a month but I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, hesaid. - He said that he had been in London for a month but he hadn`t had time to visit the Tower5. Don’t argue with your father”, I said. - I said not to argue with father
6. “My friend lives in Moscow”, said Alec. - Alec said that his friend lived in Miscow
7. The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.” - The teacher said to the class that they should discuss the subject the following day
8. He said, “They are leaving next Monday”. - He said that they had been leaving the following Monday
9. Tom said, “I like my tea strong and very hot.” - Tom said thay he liked his tea strong and very hot10. Ben asked me, “When did you join our circle?” - Ben asked me had I joined thier circle
11. He said, “My wife has just been made a judge.” He said his wife had just been made a judge.
12. Diana said, “I am going to the theatre tonight.” Diana said she was going to the theatre that night.
13. Susan said, “I usually spend my holidays in the south.” - Susan said she usually spent her holidays in the south
14. I said to them, “I can give you my uncle’s address.” - I told them I could give them my uncle`s adress.
15. Nick said, “I shall travel a lot next year.” - Nick said he should travel a lot the following year.
16. He said, “I have just received a letter from my relatives.” - he said he had just received a letter from his relatives Могут быть небольшие недочеты, писала быстрою Но процентов 80 точно правильно! Удачи на уроке
Остальные ответы
faxrik ismailov Ученик (140) 9 лет назад
She has said to me, “I’m awfully tired.” - She said that she was awfully tired.
2. He asked me, “Where are they now?” - He asked me where were they then.
3. Bill said, “I remember she was good at singing.” Bill said that he remembered (that) she was good at singing или had been good at singing
4. “I’ve been in London for a month but I haven’t had time to visit the Tower”, hesaid. - He said that he had been in London for a month but he hadn`t had time to visit the Tower5. Don’t argue with your father”, I said. - I said not to argue with father
6. “My friend lives in Moscow”, said Alec. - Alec said that his friend lived in Miscow
7. The teacher said to the class: “We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.” - The teacher said to the class that they should discuss the subject the following day
8. He said, “They are leaving next Monday”. - He said that they had been leaving the following Monday
9. Tom said, “I like my tea strong and very hot.” - Tom said thay he liked his tea strong and very hot10. Ben asked me, “When did you join our circle?” - Ben asked me had I joined thier circle
11. He said, “My wife has just been made a judge.” He said his wife had just been made a judge.
12. Diana said, “I am going to the theatre tonight.” Diana said she was going to the theatre that night.
13. Susan said, “I usually spend my holidays in the south.” - Susan said she usually spent her holidays in the south
14. I said to them, “I can give you my uncle’s address.” - I told them I could give them my uncle`s adress.
15. Nick said, “I shall travel a lot next year.” - Nick said he should travel a lot the following year.
16. He said, “I have just received a letter from my relatives.” - he said he had just received a letter from his relatives
Денис Чикин Ученик (249) 9 лет назад
1. She has said to me she was awfully tired
2. He asked me where were they then
3. Bill said he remembered she was good at singing
4. He said he had been in London for a month but he hadn't had time to visit the Tower
5. I said not to argue with your father
6. Alec said his friend lived in Moscow
7. The teacher said to the class they they should discuss this subject tomorrow.”
8. He said they were leaving that Monday.
9. Tom said he liked his tea strong and very hot
10. Ben asked me, “When did you join our circle?”
11. He said his wife had just been made a judge
12. Diana said she was going to the theatre that night
13. Susan said she usually spent her holidays in the south
14. I said to them I could give them my uncle’s address
15. Nick said he should travel a lot that year
16. He said he had just received a letter from his relatives
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