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Why presidental election is so important in the world?

Marina Ilina Ученик (96), закрыт 15 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Tatiana Lammers Мыслитель (7021) 15 лет назад
If you mean the presidental election in the USA, then I believe that people are sick and tired of aggressive and greedy for oil America with a complete idiot for a president.
Hopefully the newly elected president will be able to change the country for better. Obama is young and smart. It will be tough to solve so many problems the US is facing right now but he will cope. He will stop the war in Iraqand step by step will fix the country's economy.
I am sure the country will once again regain its prosperity and respect in the world.
Остальные ответы
shokoladka-mix Мастер (2330) 15 лет назад
because politics of country depend of party which govern $)))
sorry for the bad english :)))))
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