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Не @нгел Мастер (2183), закрыт 15 лет назад
Скульптору Фредерику Огюсту Бартольди было поручено создать к 1876 году памятник в честь столетия подписания американской Декларации независимости. Создание статуи стало совместным франко-американским проектом, по которому американская сторона возводила пьедестал, а французы изготовляли статую и затем собирали ее уже в США. Однако нехватка средств ощущалась по обе стороны Атлантического океана. Во Франции для сбора средств привлекались пожертвования, проводились лотереи и увеселительные мероприятия. В Соединенных Штатах в свою очередь проводились театральные представления, художественные выставки и аукционы с целью сбора средств. Деньги на пьедестал были собраны к августу 1885 года, а его строительство завершилось к апрелю 1886. Работа над статуей была завершена во Франции в июле 1884 года, а в июне 1885 года она была доставлена в нью-йоркскую гавань на борту французского фрегата «Изере» . Статуя транспортировалась из Франции в США в разобранном виде – она была разделена на 350 частей, упакованных в 214 ящиков. Сборка статуи на пьедестале заняла четыре месяца. 28 октября 1886 года при большом скоплении народа прошла церемония открытия статуи Свободы. Она стала подарком к столетию, который опоздал на 10 лет.
Статуя Свободы в цифрах
Высота от земли до верхушки факела 92,99 м
Рост статуи 33,86 м
Лучший ответ
Алёна Сергеевна Мастер (1848) 15 лет назад
To the sculptor to Frederic Ogyustu Bartol'di it was incumbent to create to 1876 years a monument in honour the century of signing of American Declaration of independence. Creation of statue became a joint franko-amerikanskim project on which the American side erected a pedestal, and Frenches made a statue and then collected it already in the USA. However felt a shortage of facilities was for both side the Atlantic ocean.In France for collection of facilities offerings were attracted, lotteries and pleasure measures were conducted. In the United States in same queue theatrical performances, artistic exhibitions and auctions, were conducted with the purpose of collection of facilities. On a pedestal were collected money to August, 1885, and his building was completed to April 1886. The prosecution of statue was completed in France in July, 1884, and in June, 1885 it was delivered in the New York harbour aboard the French frigate «Izere». A statue was transported from France in the USA in the taken apart kind is parted on 350 parts, cased in 214 boxes. Assembling of statue on a pedestal occupied four month. 28 October, 1886 an opening of statue of Freedom ceremony passed at the large accumulation of people. It became a gift to the century, which was late on 10 years.
Statue of Freedom in numbers
Height from earth to the apex of torch a 92,99 m
Growth of statue a 33,86 m
Остальные ответы
Эльдар Няжипов Профи (833) 15 лет назад
ОбычныйСкульптору Фредерику Огюсту Бартольди it was entrusted to create by 1876 a monument in honour of century of signing of the American Declaration of independence. Creation of a statue became the joint Franco-American project on which the American party erected a pedestal, and the Frenchmen produced a statue and then collected it already in the USA. However shortage of means was felt on both parties of Atlantic ocean. In France for fund raising donations were involved, lotteries and pleasure actions were spent. In the United States theatrical representations, art exhibitions and auctions with the purpose of fund raising were in turn spent. Money for a pedestal have been collected by August, 1885, and its construction has come to the end by April 1886. Work above a statue has been completed in France in July, 1884, and in June, 1885 it has been delivered in the New York harbour onboard the French frigate «Изере» . The statue was transported from France in the USA in the disassembled kind – it has been divided on 350 parts packed into 214 boxes. Assembly of a statue on a pedestal has borrowed four months. On October, 28th, 1886 at the big congestion of people there has passed opening ceremony of a statue of Freedom. It became a gift to century which was late for 10 years.
The Statue of Freedom in figures
Height from the ground up to a top of a torch of 92,99 m
Growth of a statue of 33,86 m

Led Zeppelin Гуру (3113) 15 лет назад
Ух бля!.. .
Я ни )(УЯ не БИЛИМЭСЫ!
Pavel Pavel Мудрец (12975) 15 лет назад
It was entrusted to the sculptor Ôðåäåðèêó Îãþñòó Áàðòîëüäè to create by 1876 a monument in honour of century of signing of the American Declaration of independence. The creation of a statue became the joint ex - American project, on which the American party erected a pedestal, and the French produced a statue and then collected her(it) already in USA. However shortage of means was felt till both parties of the Atlantic ocean. In France for fund raising the donations were involved(attracted), the lotteries and pleasure measures were spent. In the united States the theatrical representations, art exhibitions and auctions were in turn spent with the purpose of fund raising. Money to a pedestal was assembled by August, 1885, and his(its) construction was finished by April 1886. The job above a statue was completed in France in July, 1884, and in June, 1885 she was delivered in the New York harbour onboard French ôðåãàòà "«Èçåðå". The statue was transported from France in USA in the disassembled kind - she was divided(shared) into 350 parts packed into 214 boxes. The assembly of a statue on a pedestal has borrowed(occupied) four months. October 28, 1886 at the large congestion of the people the opening ceremony of a statue of Freedom has passed. She became a gift by one century, which was late for 10 years.
Statue of Freedom in figures
Height from ground up to a top of a torch 92,99 ì
Growth of a statue 33,86 ì
Dima Petrov Ученик (226) 15 лет назад
To the sculptor to Frederic Ogyustu Bartol'di it was incumbent to create to 1876 years a monument in honour the century of signing of American Declaration of independence. Creation of statue became a joint franko-amerikanskim project on which the American side erected a pedestal, and Frenches made a statue and then collected it already in the USA. However felt a shortage of facilities was for both side the Atlantic ocean.In France for collection of facilities offerings were attracted, lotteries and pleasure measures were conducted. In the United States in same queue theatrical performances, artistic exhibitions and auctions, were conducted with the purpose of collection of facilities. On a pedestal were collected money to August, 1885, and his building was completed to April 1886. The prosecution of statue was completed in France in July, 1884, and in June, 1885 it was delivered in the New York harbour aboard the French frigate «Izere». A statue was transported from France in the USA in the taken apart kind is parted on 350 parts, cased in 214 boxes. Assembling of statue on a pedestal occupied four month. 28 October, 1886 an opening of statue of Freedom ceremony passed at the large accumulation of people. It became a gift to the century, which was late on 10 years.
Statue of Freedom in numbers
Height from earth to the apex of torch a 92,99 m
Growth of statue a 33,86 m
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