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Ребят, помогите: История города Кемерово на англ. яз

Катя Кот Ученик (159), на голосовании 7 лет назад
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Высший Разум Ученик (171) 7 лет назад
On the site of the modern city was a village, leaving his nearly three hundred years of biography in the history of the development of Siberia. In 1701 in a geographical Atlas of Siberia, made up of Tobolsk historian and geographer semen Ustinovich Remizov, on the "Drawing earth in Tomsk city" provided Zaimka "shcheglovo" at the confluence of the Tom Unnamed stream (Iskitimka). In 1721 the Russian ruthsatz, the Cossack's son Mikhailo Volkov, rising to Struga upstream Tomi at one hundred and twentieth precincts from Tomsk, found at the edge of the water transagency coal seam. The pieces of coal he sent to Moscow Berg-Collegium.

This opened the Kuznetsk "Combustible stone". But almost 200 years it took the Tsarist government to begin the development of Kuznetsk coal. Even though a lot of problems with the development and operation of the mine was not to be. You don't have the cost of the construction of the road – Tom opened the path coal on the Ob, Irtysh, and up to the Urals, where there is acute fuel famine. It was here, in the heart of the small village Shcheglova on the left Bank of Kemerovo on the right and laid mines.

Here, in these mines and the first Bolshevik cells. And on 24 November 1917 the Soviet of workers ' deputies of the Kemerovo mine and coke took power into their own hands. From the first days of the establishment of Soviet power on the territory of Kuzbass became apparent that the old Philistine city of Kuznetsk, remote, hundreds of kilometers from the Kemerovo and'chuginskogo mines and densely populated agricultural area, will not have the desired impact on the transformation of life.

March 30, 1918 Tomsk provincial Executive Committee decided to form a new County. Formed County was named Weglowski and formed from S. Shcheglov Verkhotomskoye parish in County town of goldfinches.

Already in 1921, in the Kuzbass begins the ascent of coal mining. This allowed him the subsequent five years to take a leading role in creating a base of coke production. In the summer of 1921 the initiative group of American workers headed by a Dutch engineer and Communist S. Rutgers and an American Communist B. Heywood appealed to the Soviet government with a proposal to create a colony of foreign workers and specialists in Kuzbass. 28 Jun 1921 S. Rutgers, accompanied by T. Barker, B. Haywood, G. children of Calvert and B. Kornblith went to Kuzbass.

Inspired by the consciousness of his international duty, the colonists made a living creativity in the economic life of the young city.

In the autumn of 1924 the Kuznetsky and Shcheglovsky districts were isolated from the Tomsk province and transformed into a separate Kuznetsk district, the administrative center of which became Shcheglovsk.

With the development of industrial construction begins to grow and the city. In June 1930 the city Council considered the draft plan of Shcheglovsk. The city was designed with 130 thousand inhabitants. In considering the draft, the question arose about the name of the city. In this discussion, the active participation of citizens. All unanimously agreed that the name of the former trading village Shcheglova has no direct historical connection with the town, based on mining and processing of coal. Therefore, the city Council appealed to the Presidium of the West Siberian regional Executive Committee with a request to rename a Shcheglovsk in the city of Kemerovo.

March 27, 1932, the Presidium of the VTSIK issued a decree to rename the Shcheglovsk in Kemerovo.

And just nine years later the city had spread the alarming news. War...

In the first days of the war, hundreds of people wore soldiers ' uniforms and went to the front. The first of our countrymen who took part in the battle with Hitler's hordes were soldiers and offic
Катя КотУченик (159) 7 лет назад
Большое спасибо
Высший Разум Ученик (171) ок
Екатерина Савина Ученик (131) 7 лет назад
In place of the modern city it was a village, leaving her almost three hundred years of history in the biography of the development of Siberia. In 1701, in the geographic atlas of Siberia, compiled Tobolsk historian and geographer Ustinovich Semyon Remizov, on "The Draft Land Tomsk city" contains Zaimka "Shcheglovo" at the confluence of the river Tom Nameless (Iskitimki). In 1721 Fizzledowser Russian, Cossack son Michael Volkov, rising to Struga upstream Tom at one hundred and twentieth boundaries of Tomsk found at the water's edge trehsazhenny coal seam. Pieces of coal he sent to the Moscow Mining College.

So Kuznetsky "combustible stone" was discovered. But it took almost 200 years the tsarist government to begin development of Kuznetsk coal. Although the biggest problems with the development and operation of the mine was not to be. It does not require the cost of construction of roads - Tom opened the way coal on the Ob, Irtysh, and up to the Urals, where the already acute fuel shortage. It is here, in the vicinity of a small village on the left bank Shcheglova and Kemerovo - on the right and the first mines were laid.

Here, in these mines and the first Bolshevik cells. A November 24, 1917 the Soviet of Workers' Deputies of the Kemerovo mine and Coke took power into their own hands. From the very first days of Soviet power in the territory of Kuzbass became apparent that the old burgher town of Kuznetsk removed hundreds of kilometers from Kemerovo and Kolchuginsk mines and densely populated agricultural region, will not have the desired impact on the transformation of life.

March 30, 1918 Tomsk provincial executive committee decided to form a new county. Formed by the district was renamed Scheglovskaya and formed from a. Shcheglova Verhotomskoye parish in the county town Goldfinches.

Already in 1921, the rise of coal mining begins in the Kuzbass. This allowed him to five years in the future to take a leading role in creating a database of coke production. In the summer of 1921, the initiative group of American workers, led by the Dutch engineer - a Communist and the American Communist S.Rutgersom B. Heywood asked the Soviet government to create a colony of foreign workers and specialists in the Kuzbass. June 28, 1921, accompanied by S.Rutgers T. Barker, B. Heywood, B. G. Calvert and Kornblit went to Kuzbass.

Inspired by the consciousness of their internationalist duty, the colonists made a living creativity in the economic life of the young city.

In the fall of 1924 and Shcheglovsky Kuznetsk districts have been isolated from the Tomsk province and converted into a separate Kuznetsk district, which has become the administrative center Scheglovskaya.

With the development of industrial construction starts to grow and the city. In June 1930 the City Council session considered the draft project plan Scheglovskaya. The city was designed for 130 thousand people. In considering the draft there was a question about the name of the city. In discussing this issue, the citizens took an active part. It was unanimously agreed that the name from the former village shopping Shcheglova has no direct connection with the historical city founded on the basis of mining and processing of coal. Therefore, the city council appealed to the Presidium of the West Siberian regional executive committee with a request to rename the Scheglovskaya in the city of Kemerovo.

March 27, 1932 the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee passed a resolution to rename Scheglovskaya Kemerovo.

And just nine years later the city had spread alarming news. War…

In the early days of the war hundreds kemerovchan wearing soldiers' uniforms and went to the front.
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