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поставь вопросы к предложениям. начни с слов,в скобках. помогите

ванчиз Профи (638), закрыт 5 лет назад
1) Miss Chattter got a lot of postcards on her birthday (what)
2) Last yaer the winter was cold and snowy (when)
3) YesterdayTiny wrote a Christmas card to his friend Billy (why)
4) Jill^s cake was tasty and nice (was)
5) He ran very well the day befole yesterday (how)
6) They lived in a small house (did)
заранее спасибо!!!!
Лучший ответ
Елена Зинина Просветленный (21118) 5 лет назад
1) What did Miss Chattter get on her birthday? (what)
2) When was the winter cold and snowy? (when)
3) Why did Tiny write a Christmas card to his friend Billy yesterday? (why)
4) Was Jill's cake tasty and nice? (was)
5) How well did he run the day before yesterday? (how)
6) Did they live in a small house? (did)
Остальные ответы
Apelsinovaja Гуру (3885) 15 лет назад
2. When was the winter cold and snowy?
4. Was Jill^s cake tasty and nice?
5. How did he run the day before yesterday?
6. Did they live in a small house?
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