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Помогите пассивный залог сделать

Софа Окуловских Ученик (94), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Say the same in a different way. Use the passive voice.
1. The students will bring the books tomorrow.
2. They will show this film on TV.
3. We will do this task in the evening.
4. Pam will introduce me to her friends.
5. They will talk about the latest news.
6. Somebody will teach two foreign languages at the university.
7. The pupils will hand in their homework tomorrow.
8. Florence will buy a new dress.
9. She will put the dictionary on the coffee table.
10. They will finish this work on time.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Федоc Профи (990) 1 месяц назад
1 The books will be brought by the students tomorrow.
2 This film will be shown on TV by them.
3 This task will be done in the evening by us.
4 I will be introduced to Pam's friends by her.
5 The latest news will be talked about by them.
6 Two foreign languages will be taught at the university by somebody.
7 Their homework will be handed in by the pupils tomorrow.
8 A new dress will be bought by Florence.
9 The dictionary will be put on the coffee table by her.
10 This work will be finished on time by them.
ФедоcПрофи (990) 1 месяц назад
А какой это класс?
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