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Английский, 7 класс, помогите пожалуйста

даша попова Ученик (49), на голосовании 2 недели назад
Choose the correct answer.

1. They moved to the country because they needed some ___ and quiet.
a) sleep
b) hustle
c) peace

2. I like watching ___ films because they tell stories about aliens.
a) comedy
b) science fiction
c) action

3. Some athletes ___ a world record during the Olympics.
a) break
b) recover
c) take

4. We want to move because my spouse doesn’t like the hustle and ___ of the city.
a) unemployment
b) peephole
c) bustle

5. I got some really cool wireless ___ for my mobile.
a) headphones
b) shuttles
c) plugs

6. I don’t like watching ___ shows. I find them dull.
a) news
b) gossip
c) talk

7. My sister got a ___ camera for her birthday.
a) digital
b) wire
c) virtual

8. To turn on the screen, ___ that button.
a) press
b) get
c) put
Голосование за лучший ответ
bunny rabbit Ученик (88) 1 месяц назад
1. c) peace
2. b) science fiction
3. a) break
4. c) bustle
5. a) headphones
6. a) news
7. a) digital
8. a) press
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (152545) 1 месяц назад
country because they needed some ___ and quiet.
a) sleep
b) hustle
c) peace +

2. I like watching ___ films because they tell stories about aliens.
a) comedy
b) science fiction +
c) action

3. Some athletes ___ a world record during the Olympics.
a) break +
b) recover
c) take

4. We want to move because my spouse doesn’t like the hustle and ___ of the city.
a) unemployment
b) peephole
c) bustle +

5. I got some really cool wireless ___ for my mobile.
a) headphones +
b) shuttles
c) plugs

6. I don’t like watching ___ shows. I find them dull.
a) news
b) gossip
c) talk +

7. My sister got a ___ camera for her birthday.
a) digital +
b) wire
c) virtual

8. To turn on the screen, ___ that button.
a) press +
b) get
c) put
даша поповаУченик (49) 1 месяц назад
Спасибо, я еще опубликовала, можешь там еще помочь? Пожалуйста!
Davidka Pwah Ученик (108) 1 месяц назад
1. c) peace
2. b) science fiction
3. a) break
4. c) bustle
5. a) headphones
6. a) news
7. a) digital
8. a) press
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