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Помогите составить текст на английском, на тему "Моя семья" пожалуйста... =)

Настя **** Ученик (96), закрыт 13 лет назад
Меня зовут Настя, мне 15 лет! Я любюл заниматься спортом, лёгкая атлетика! И ещё читать. Свободного времени у меня почти нет, я вся в спорте! Учусь в 256 школе.. В Адмиралтейском районе. Мою маму зовут Вика, ей 35 лет! Она работает продовцом консультатом. В свободное время она любит готовить! Моего папу завут валерий, ему 44.Он работает в службе безопасности. И ещё у меня есть сестра, её зовут Алиса, ей 14 лет. Она любит изучать языки.. И мы находим с ней общий язык! На выходных, мы любим собираться дружной семьёй и вместе проводить время!!! =)

Заранее спасибо.. =)

И пожалуйсто, можете ещё на русском написать.. как на английском звучит!! Типо так-I...(ай)
Лучший ответ
Нурлан Душумов Знаток (390) 14 лет назад
My name is Nastja, me 15! I like to go in for sports, track and field athletics! And still to read. I have not enough free time, I all in sports! I study at 256 school. In the Admiralty area. My mum call Vick, to it 35! It works as the seller консультатом. At leisure she likes to prepare! My daddy call valerii, to it 44. It works in security service. And still I have sister, her name is Alisa, to it 14 . She likes to study languages. And we find with it common language! On days off, we like to gather an amicable family and together to spend time!!! =)
Остальные ответы
Дима Дуплинский Ученик (196) 14 лет назад
My name is Nastja, me of 15 years! I любюл to go in for sports, track and field athletics! And still to read. I have not enough free time, I all in sports! I study at 256 school. In the Admiralty area. My mum 35 years call Vick, to it! It works продовцом консультатом. At leisure she likes to prepare! My daddy завут валерий, to it 44. It works in security service. And still I have sister, her name is Alisa, to it of 14 years. She likes to study languages. And we find with it common language! On days off, we like to gather an amicable family and together to spend time!!! =)
АНАСТАСИЯ ПОГРЕБНЯК Гуру (3019) 14 лет назад
my name is Nastya. i am 15 years old. i like sport, for example athletick. Also i like reading books. I have not free time because i take part in the competitions. i study in 256 shcool in the Admiralteiskom state. My mother is Vika, 35 years old. She works in the shop. In the free time she cookings. My father is Valera, he 44 years old. he works security. Also i have a sister, her name is alisa, she 14 years old. she likes languages. We best friends! In the weekend we past our time very cheerful. I like my family very much!
Альбина Ученик (243) 14 лет назад
Hi! My name is Nastja.I am 15.I like favourite kind of sport is field http://athletics.And also.i like to read.I do not have free http://time.because all my time i spend in the http://sport.The number of my school is Admiral http://area.The name of my mother is http://Vika.she is http://35.She works at the http://shop.She likes to cook in free http://time.My father is Valera.he is 44. Also.i have younger sister http://Alise.she is http://14.She likes to learn different languages.Our friendship is very important for us!I like my family very much!
vall_de_nuria Профи (727) 14 лет назад
My name is Nastya. I am 15 years old. My favourite sport is athletics . I also like reading books. I have no free time because I take part in competitions. I study at School 256 in Admiralteisk district. My mother is Victoria, she is 35 years old. She works in a shop. In her free time she likes cooking. My father is Valera, he is 44 years old. He works as a security guard. I have a sister, her name is Alisa, she is 14 years old. She likes learning languages. We are good friends (=We get on well)! My family and I spend weekends together and always have a good time. I love my family very much!
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