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помогите придумать предложения на английском!!!!

stels Ученик (61), закрыт 14 лет назад
нужно С КАЖДЫМ из этих слов/фраз придумать обычное предложение!!!!можно очень легкое и простое)))

Clare College bridge/ Rag Day
across the river
stone circles / globes / complete spheres
to collect money for charity
to do all sorts of crazy things
to be removed
to auction it back to the college
the back of it is missing
There’s a famous bridge called…
One year…
And then…
When the globe was returned….
Лучший ответ
Lili Мыслитель (8913) 14 лет назад
Rag Day was celebrated on Clare College bridge.
My house was located accross the river.
He had a strange hobby to collect staff such as: stone circles, globes, complete spheres.
I had to collect money for charity.
He should to do all sorts of crazy things, after accident.
Layer needs to be removed.
We were planning how to auction it back to the college .
There’s a famous bridge called Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
One year is enough to be a good computer user.
And then they decided to stay overnight.
When the globe was returned he appologized in front of everybody.

Остальные ответы
Andrei Знаток (498) 14 лет назад
To be removed after use.
I like to do all sorts of crazy things with this toy.
One year later, after accident.

А вообще впиши слова в гуугл и не парься =)
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