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Angie Ученик (119), закрыт 14 лет назад
1) There are (TWO) new pupils in our form.
2)There`ll be (20) British girls and boys in Barbara`s class this year
3)Elizabeth likes her new (textbooks)
4)The girls are (from Britain).
5)Mark invited me to England (last year).
6) We were happy to get good marks in French (because) it"s a difficult subject.

Лучший ответ
L.© Мыслитель (7578) 14 лет назад
How many new pupils are there in our form?
How many British girls and boys will be in Barbara's class this year?
What does Elizabeth like?
Where are the girls from?
When did Mark invite me to England?
Why we were happy to get good marks in French?

вроде так
Остальные ответы
Аля Гуру (2822) 14 лет назад
1) How many pupils are there in your form?
2)How many British girls and boys will there be in....
3) What does Elizabeth like?
4) Where are the girls from?
5) When did Mark invite you to England?
6) Why were we happy to get good marks in French?
Yasmin *** Мудрец (13761) 14 лет назад
1. How many new pupils are there in your form?
2. How many British girls and boys will be in Barbara's class this year?
3. What does Elizabeth like?
4. Where are the girls from?
5. When did Mark invite you to England?
6. Why were you happy to get good marks in French?
Елена Хлопенко Гений (86653) 14 лет назад
Оба предыдущих автора всё правильно написали, хотя у них и отличается 2 предложения, они оба верны.
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