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помогите английский 5 класс

девичьи секреты Ученик (15), закрыт 10 лет назад
complete the sentences
example : Russia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world
предложение составляется по пунктам предложений всего надо 5 не считая образца
1) Страна,Имя,Город,Должность,член семьи
2) is one of the most
3)beautiful , popular ,famous ,lovely , well-know ,fantastic
4)names,people,towns ,countries ,actors
5)in the country , in our city , in my school , in my family , in Europe
Дополнен 14 лет назад
что то типа такого
Volodya is one of the most popular names in the country
Лучший ответ
Пользователь удален Просветленный (23767) 14 лет назад
France is one of the most popular countries in Europe.
Sochi is one of the most beautiful towns in the country.
My little brother is one of the most lovely people in my family.
Director of this bank is one of the most well known people in our city.
Sasha is one of the most popular names in my school.
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