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Саня ____________ Ученик (15), на голосовании 14 лет назад
На содержание текста прошу не обращать внимания!
Дорогой Сергей.
Я сейчас в Лондоне. Я приехал сюда неделю назад.Дорога была очень длинной, и вот наконец-то я здесь!Я очень рад, тем более погода стоит прекрасная. Я приехал в гости к своему дяде, он был очень рад моему приезду. За то время пока я здесь, я успел осмотреть много достопримечательностей, побывал во многих интересных местах.Я был в Британском музее - это один из крупнейших музеев в мире. Так же я побывал у Вестминстерское Аббатство- величайший пример церковной архитектуры.Еще я посетил национальную галерею - огромная коллекция живописи. Все это мне очень понравилось,у меня остались незабываемые впечатления.Я еще очень хочу посмотреть на Тауэр и побывать в Собор Св. Павла.Думаю впечатления от этой поездки останется у меня навсегда.А как у тебя дела? Жду ответа, пока!
Голосование за лучший ответ
ыыы ыыыы Профи (641) 14 лет назад
Dear Sergey.
I now in London. I have arrived here one week ago. The road was very long, and here at last I here! I am very glad, especially weather costs the fine. I have arrived on a visit to the uncle, it was very glad to my arrival. For that time while I here, I have had time to examine many sights, have visited many interesting places. I was in the British museum is one of the largest museums in the world. As I have visited at Westminster Abbey - the greatest example of church architecture. Still I have visited national gallery - a huge collection of painting. All it very much was pleasant to me, I still had unforgettable impressions. I still very much wish to look at a Tower and to visit in St. Pavel's Cathedral. I think impressions of this trip remains at me for ever. And how at you business? I look forward to hearing, so long!
Алина Косинова Профи (572) 14 лет назад
Dear Sergey.
I now in London. I have arrived here one week ago. The road was very long, and here at last I here! I am very glad, especially weather costs the fine. I have arrived on a visit to the uncle, it was very glad to my arrival. For that time while I here, I have had time to examine many sights, have visited many interesting places. I was in the British museum is one of the largest museums in the world. As I have visited at Westminster Abbey - the greatest example of church architecture. Still I have visited national gallery - a huge collection of painting. All it very much was pleasant to me, I still had unforgettable impressions. I still very much wish to look at a Tower and to visit in St. Pavel's Cathedral. I think impressions of this trip remains at me for ever. And how at you business? I look forward to hearing, so long!
Dima Shajhutdinov Знаток (280) 14 лет назад
Dear Sergei.
I am in London now. I got here one week ago. The Road was very long, and nov i am here. I very happy, and weahther is very good. I am here to meet my uncnle, he was very glad to see me. For that time why i am here, i saw lot's of monuments, i was on many interesant places. I was in British Museum - it is one of biggest museums in world. I saw Vestman Abbat too - ?I was on nacional gallery - there is lot's of collections of paintings. All this i liked, and that was ???And i want to see Тауэр too and go to Собор Св. Павла. I think ???from this trip ???always. And how are you? Waiting for answer, goodbye.
Хммм.. .перевод 10'ти классника, увы тут очень много ошибок, а перевел, для проверки знаний. :)
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