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.кто поможет перевести текст на английский ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ!

Полина Бережная Ученик (152), закрыт 7 лет назад
кто поможет перевести текст на английский.ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ! Первая экспедиция людей на Луну. Астронавты Н. Армстронг и Э. Олдрин в лунном модуле «Еаglе» 20 июля 1969 года совершили посадку на Луну, а 21 июля впервые вышли на лунную поверхность. Они провели на Луне 21,5 часа, из них 2,5 часа - вне лунной кабины во время однократного выхода.
Дополнен 13 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Регина Высший разум (555009) 7 лет назад
The first expedition of people on the Moon. Astronauts N.Armstrong and E.Oldrin in lunar module "Еаglе" have made on July, 20th, 1969 a moonfall, and on July, 21st for the first time left on a lunar surface. They have spent on the Moon 21,5 hours, from them 2,5 hours - out of a lunar cabin during a unitary exit.
Остальные ответы
www Ученик (159) 13 лет назад
рекомендую поискать сайты с профессиональными переводчиками. переведут дорого но хорошо
binom Ученик (130) 13 лет назад
The First expedition of the people on the Moon. The Astronauts N. Armstrong and E. Oldrin in moon module Eagle July 20 1969 have made boarding on the Moon, but July 21 for the first time left on moon surface. They have conducted on the Moon 21,5 hours, of them 2,5 hours - outside of moon booth during one-shot output.
RSX 0806 Мастер (1043) 13 лет назад
The first expedition of people on the Moon. Astronauts N.Armstrong and E.Oldrin in lunar module "Еаglе" have made on July, 20th, 1969 a moonfall, and on July, 21st for the first time left on a lunar surface. They have spent on the Moon 21,5 hours, from them 2,5 hours - out of a lunar cabin during a unitary exit.
Валентин Роппельт Знаток (373) 13 лет назад
The First expedition of the people on the Moon. The Astronauts N. Armstrong and E. Oldrin in moon module Eagle July 20 1969 have made boarding on the Moon, but July 21 for the first time left on moon surface. They have conducted on the Moon 21,5 hours, of them 2,5 hours - outside of moon booth during one-shot output.
Анастасия Андреевна* Профи (522) 13 лет назад
The first expedition of people on the Moon. Astronauts N.Armstrong and E.Oldrin in lunar module "Еаglе" have made on July, 20th, 1969 a moonfall, and on July, 21st for the first time left on a lunar surface. They have spent on the Moon 21,5 hours, from them 2,5 hours - out of a lunar cabin during a unitary exit.
Катя Иванова Знаток (322) 13 лет назад
Этот самый близкий перевод,
Хотя я б заменила "made boarding" из 2го предложения на "landed".

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The First expedition of the people on the Moon. The Astronauts N. Armstrong and E. Oldrin in moon module Eagle July 20 1969 have made boarding on the Moon, but July 21 for the first time left on moon surface. They have conducted on the Moon 21,5 hours, of them 2,5 hours - outside of moon booth during one-shot output."
Михаил Муртазин Знаток (437) 13 лет назад
The first human Moon expedition.
Astronauts N.Armstrong and A.Aldrin flying a lunar module "Eagle" landed on the Moon on July, 20th 1969, and for the first time stepped on its surface on July, 21. They spent 21,5 hours there including 2,5 hours - outside the cabin during a one-time spacewalk.
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