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Юлия Рассадина Ученик (179), на голосовании 12 лет назад
But he had very little money. He had so little money that he'could pay only for he ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during hese days.

As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning he ' tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry; but he didn't go to the dining-room. In the evening he was still more hungry, but when thes/waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill. The next day the Englishman was half-dead and couldn't stand the hunger any longer. "I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea" , said he to himself. So he went to the ship dining-room and his dinner. In the evening he had supperbut was very muchafraid of his future because he didn't pay for the meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said:
"Bring me the bill, please". - " What bill?" asked the waiter. - "For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-room". -"Don't trouble, Sir. You paid for your meals whn you bought the ticket".

1)выписать по 1 примеру предложения с глаголом TO BE, TO HAVE. определить их функцию.

2)выписать 3 существительных во множественном числе и образовать в единственный.

3)выписать предложение содержащее местоимение, подчеркнуть, показать вид.

4) выписать предложения There is/ there are, перевести и образовать в форме To be

5) выписать предложение содержащее неопределённое местоимение some / any / no.

6)выписать 10 глаголов и указать время

7) задать к тексту 7 вопросов.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Amateur Мудрец (11458) 12 лет назад
2days-day,money,englishman-ед и мн число совпадают,
3 He had very little money.'He'-личное местоимение.
4 there are/there is -в данном тексте нет
5 почти все предложения в Past simple,бери любое
7How much money did he have?How long would the trip last?Did he go to the dining room?What did the man do the next day?Why was he afraid?What did the man ask to bring him?What did the waiter answer?
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