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сочинение на тему мой любимый актёр на английском языке

#парень из Семска# Ученик (243), закрыт 10 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Ѽ✿ლБиология АнатомиевнаѼ✿ლ Высший разум (5482160) 10 лет назад

My favourite actor is Jhonny Depp. He is a famous American actor. He has a lot of awards and star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Jhonny Depp was born 9 june in 1963 in the USA. His father was a builder and his mother was a waitress. Johnny Depp - the only actor who on the account three films have earned over a billion dollars. He played the title role in Pirates of Caribbean sea and in the films of Tim Burton. I think he is great actor.
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Анастасия Романенко Ученик (240) 8 лет назад
My name is Alexander. I like many actors but my favourite actor is Robert Pattinson. Robert was born on 13 May 1986 near London. From the childhood he was desirous of being a famous actor. Robert was spotted in the cinematography when Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire appeared in 2005. He was considered the youngest actor of the future. But he became famous after he played part in The Twilight Saga: New Moon. His every role incarnates very strong and single-minded person. Heroes whom Robert plays are capable of a great pure love and they appreciate friendship. They are strong and wise people. I like how he shows poise in company. He always remains just a man not a celebrity. Robert Pattinson is very talented guitarist and pianist. He is very romantic and enigmatic actor. Robert Pattinson won a prize of Strasbourg Film Festival for Best Actor in the film How to Be. Now Robert is still in the films and he’s prospective. I hope that the following films with Robert will be as interesting and breathtaking as previous.


Меня зовут Александр. Мне нравятся много актёров, но самый любимый - это Роберт Паттинсон. Роберт родился 13 мая 1986 года недалеко от Лондона. С детства стремился стать выдающимся актёром. После выхода в 2005 году фильма "Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня" Роберта заметили в кинематографии. Он стал считаться самым молодым актёром будущего. Но самую большую популярность он приобрёл после роли в вампирской саге "Сумерки". Каждая его роль воплощает в себе отдельную личность: очень сильную и целеустремлённую. Герои, которых играет Роберт, ценят дружбу и способны на великую, чистую любовь. Они сильные и мудрые люди. Мне нравится его манера держаться на людях. Он всегда остаётся простым человеком, а не звездой. Роберт Паттинсон очень талантливый гитарист и пианист. Он очень романтический и загадочный актёр. Роберт Паттинсон получил приз Страсбурского фестиваля за лучшую мужскую роль в фильме "Переходный возраст". Сейчас Роберт продолжает сниматься в кино и подаёт большие надежды. Я надеюсь, что следующие фильмы с Робертом будут такими же интересными и захватывающими.
Skat Roiy Ученик (129) 8 лет назад
I like many actors but my favourite actor is Robert Pattinson. Robert was born on 13 May 1986 near London. From the childhood he was desirous of being a famous actor. Robert was spotted in the cinematography when Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire appeared in 2005. He was considered the youngest actor of the future. But he became famous after he played part in The Twilight Saga: New Moon. His every role incarnates very strong and single-minded person. Heroes whom Robert plays are capable of a great pure love and they appreciate friendship. They are strong and wise people. I like how he shows poise in company. He always remains just a man not a celebrity. Robert Pattinson is very talented guitarist and pianist. He is very romantic and enigmatic actor. Robert Pattinson won a prize of Strasbourg Film Festival for Best Actor in the film How to Be. Now Robert is still in the films and he’s prospective. I hope that the following films with Robert will be as interesting and breathtaking as previous.
♥ Вика♛ Козлова♥✔ Ученик (132) 7 лет назад
My favourite actor
One of the great actors who made a strong impression on me is Will Smith. I think he is a brilliant actor with a lot of talents. All his characters are bright individuals and Will plays them perfectly well. Today he is called one of the most powerful actors in Hollywood. He has been nominated for Golden Globe awards and Academy awards for his starring roles in action films, science fiction films, comedies and dramas. By the way Will is also a rap singer and his musical career is quite successful too. He has earned four Grammy awards in music.

Smith was born in 1968 in West Philadelphia. He began his acting career in 1993 with a major role in the drama “Six Degrees of Separation”. And after that Will Smith has starred in such massive blockbuster films as “Men in Black”, “I am Legend”, “Independence Day”, “I, Robot”, “Hancock”, “Seven Pounds” and “After Earth”. He has played plenty of interesting roles, and two of them he has done together with his son Jaden.

To my mind Will is the most fascinating actor and producer. I can watch his movies lots of times and every time I really enjoy his acting. He can be funny and serious, cold and sensitive. And I cannot wait for his new masterpieces because he always tries something new. Перевод

Одним из великих актеров, которые произвели на меня сильное впечатление, является Уилл Смит. Думаю, что это блестящий актер со множеством талантов. Все его герои – яркие личности, и Уилл играет их великолепно. Сегодня его называют одним из сильнейших актеров Голливуда. Он был номинирован к наградам Золотой Глобус и Академия за главные роли в боевиках, научной фантастике, комедиях и драмах. Кстати, Уилл также является исполнителем рэпа, и его музыкальная карьера тоже довольно успешна. Он получил четыре премии Грэмми в музыке.

Смит родился в 1968 году в Западной Филадельфии. Он начал свою актерскую карьеру в 1993 году с главной роли в драме «Шесть рубежей отдаления». А после этого Уилл Смит исполнил главные роли в таких массивных блокбастерах, как «Люди в Черном», «Я Легенда», «День Независимости», «Я Робот», «Хэнкок», «Семь Жизней» и «После Нашей Эры». Он сыграл много интересных ролей, и две из них он исполнил вместе со своим сыном Джейденом.

По моему мнению, Уилл – самый удивительный актер и продюсер. Я могу смотреть его фильмы много раз и каждый раз получаю удовольствие от его игры. Он может быть смешным и серьезным, холодным и чувственным. И я не могу дождаться его новых шедевров, так как он всегда пробует что-то новое.
Кира Косова Знаток (326) 2 года назад

My favourite actor is Jhonny Depp. He is a famous American actor. He has a lot of awards and star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Jhonny Depp was born 9 june in 1963 in the USA. His father was a builder and his mother was a waitress. Johnny Depp - the only actor who on the account three films have earned over a billion dollars. He played the title role in Pirates of Caribbean sea and in the films of Tim Burton. I think he is great actor.
Тимофей Башкатов Ученик (232) 1 неделю назад
Anthony Hopkins is a British stage and film actor, film director, screenwriter, producer and film composer. He gained the most popularity due to the embodiment on the screen of the image of the serial killer and cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter in the films "The Silence of the Lambs" (1990), "Hannibal" (2001) and "Red Dragon" (2002).

Hopkins' famous acting works include such films as "The Lion in Winter" (1968), "Magic" (1978), "The Elephant Man" (1980), "Dracula" (1992), "At the End of the Day" (1993), "The Land of Shadows" (1993).

Anthony Hopkins won a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2003 and has been a member of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts since 2008.

He is a two-time Oscar winner (1992, 2021), a special Golden Globe Award (2006) for his contribution to cinema, Saturn (1992) and Emmy (1976, 1981), as well as five BAFTA Awards. (1973, 1992, 1994, 2008, 2021)
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