И тем не менее отвечу на поставленный вопрос.

Мыльные пузыри держат форму по той причине,
что силы внутреннего давления
(равномено давящие во все стороны абсолютно одинаково, согласно принципу "что газы и жидкости оказывают давление одинаковое вне зависимости от направления")
уравновешены (sic!) силами поверхностного натяжения пленки пузыря.
И главное!
Все остальные силы по сравнению с этими двумя пренебрежимо малы! Именно по этой причине пузыри держат форму!
Если выдуть пузырь с очень толстой пленкой, то внизу его образуется "капля жидкости" вес которой существенно искажает форму пузыря.. .
С уважением
==============================Из английской Википедии
Surface tension and shape
A bubble can exist because the surface layer of a liquid (usually water) has a certain surface tension, which causes the layer to behave somewhat like an elastic sheet. However, a bubble made with a pure liquid alone is not stable and a dissolved surfactant such as soap is needed to stabilize a bubble. A common misconception is that soap increases the water's surface tension. Actually soap does the exact opposite, decreasing it to approximately one third the surface tension of pure water. Soap does not strengthen bubbles, it stabilizes them, via an action known as the Marangoni effect. As the soap film stretches, the surface concentration of soap decreases, which causes the surface tension to increase. Thus, soap selectively strengthens the weakest parts of the bubble and tends to prevent them from stretching further. In addition, the soap reduces evaporation so the bubbles last longer, although this effect is relatively small.
Their spherical shape is also caused by surface tension. The tension causes the bubble to form a sphere, as a sphere has the smallest possible surface area for a given volume. This shape can be visibly distorted by air currents, and hence by blowing. If a bubble is left to sink in still air, however, it remains very nearly spherical, more so for example than the typical cartoon depiction of a raindrop. When a sinking body has reached its terminal velocity, the drag force acting on it is equal to its weight, and since a bubble's weight is much smaller in relation to its size than a raindrop's, its shape is distorted much less. (The surface tension opposing the distortion is similar in the two cases: The soap reduces the water's surface tension to approximately one third, but it is effectively doubled since the film has an inner and an outer surface.)