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What is Moore's Law?

Пользователь удален Профи (636), закрыт 17 лет назад
Пользователь удален Ученик (182) 17 лет назад
Сложность интегральных микросхем удваивается за кажды два года при той же цене.. . производительность нового $500-компьютера будет в два раза больше, чем у $500 компьютера купленного два года назад.
Пользователь удален Просветленный (35562) 17 лет назад
Moore's observation, now known as Moore's Law, described a trend which has continued and is still remarkably accurate. It is the basis for many planners' performance forecasts. In 25 years, as Moore's Law predicted, the number of transistors on a chip has increased more than 2,300 times, from 2,300 on the 4004 in 1971 to 5.5 million on the Pentium® Pro processor.
Nelya Ученик (201) 17 лет назад
Moore's Law is the empirical observation that the complexity of integrated circuits, with respect to minimum component cost, doubles every 24 months[1]. It is attributed to Gordon E. Moore[2], a co-founder of Intel. If Moore's Law were applicable to the airline industry, a flight from New York to Paris in 1978 that cost $900 and took seven hours, would now cost about $0.01 and take less than one second.
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