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Пользователь удален Ученик (15), на голосовании 16 лет назад
Напишите пожалуйста к этим двум предложениям Общий, альтернативный, разделительный и два специальных вопроса!
1) The dean's assistant told us to do all our work in time.
2) He also asked to show him were the chemistry laboratory last time.
Голосование за лучший ответ
alua tynykbayeva Профи (746) 16 лет назад
Ассистент декана сказал нам выполнять работу во время.
Также он попросил показать (were здесь не в тему) ) хим. лаборатория в прошлый раз.
(может: где проходила)
Inspiration Гуру (2556) 16 лет назад
The dean's assistant told us to do all our work in time.

1. Did the dean's assistant tell us to do all our work in time?
2. Did the dean's assistant tell us or other students to do all our work in time?
3. The dean's assistant told us to do all our work in time, didn't he?
4. What did the dean's assistant tell us to do in time?
5. Who told us to do all our work in time?

Второе предложение какое-то бредовое. Скорее всего, в нем АшиПка. Постарайтесь хоть задание списывать прравильно :)
Пользователь удален Профи (680) 16 лет назад
1.Did the dean's assistant tell us to do all our work in time?
Did the dean's assistant tell us to do all our work in time or to prepare for an exam?
The dean's assistant told us to do all our work in time, didn't he?
What did the dean's assistant tell us to do?
How should we do all our work?

2. Во 2-ом предложении ничего не пропущено?? ? Может, where а не were
Did he also ask to show him where the chemistry laboratory last time?
Did he also ask to show him where the chemistry laboratory last time or the computer class room?
He also asked to show him where the chemistry laboratory last time, didn;t he?
What did he ask to show?
When did he ask to show him where the chemistry laboratory?
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