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Дима ЛАлка Ученик (57), на голосовании 9 лет назад
A.Read this description and guess what object is described here.B.Describe these objects:a knife,a bed,a stone,a pencil,a wardrobe.C.Think ofan objects and describe your classmates guess what objekts you mean.

This object is not very large,its as big as tennis ball,sometimes a little bigger of a little smaler.It is usually round and quite regular in shape.When you touch it is feels smooth and firm.It is usually cool and smells fresh.Tou can eat it and is tastes sweet of sweet and sour.It can be red,yeow or green.What is is?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Fox Cheshire Ученик (113) 9 лет назад
Возможно, в этом тексте описано яблоко (apple)
Описание для knife:
This item has an oblong shape. It's sharp, often it is made from steel, it is cold and smooth to the touch and it can cut anything.
Для bed:
It is a piece of furniture that you sleep on, consisting of a soft comfortable part called mattress.
Для stone:
It is hard solid substance that forms part of the Earth's surface. It is usually cold and can be any size and form.
Для pencil:
It is a long thin object, usually made of wood, that you use for writing or drawing on paper or some other surface.
Для wardrobe:
It is a large piece of furniture like a large cupboard where you can hang your clothes.
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