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Сочинение на тему: "Мой любимый день недели".

Наташа Шмидт Ученик (114), на голосовании 9 лет назад
Напишите, пожалуйста сочинение на тему "Мой любимый день недели". По Английскому языку с переводом.
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Наталка Мастер (1260) 9 лет назад
Most people in our country are working five days a week, but students and pupils have always worked six days a week. Only recently, some schools have begun to learn only five days a week, but it basically refers to the elementary school. I'm in the eleventh grade, so I have to go to school six days a week. Sunday - my only day off.
I love Sunday. Will not need to hurry, after all everyday affairs can go wherever you want. On this day, I wake up later than usual. On TV on Sunday morning there is always some kind of an interesting program, so I look at it before breakfast. On Sunday we have breakfast there some special dish, cake or biscuits, and all drink two cups of tea instead of one. On the other hand, on Sunday I have to wash the dishes, so I can not say that I am late to school.
I called a friend and we discussed plans for the weekend. Sometimes we go to the movies. We were in the majority of museums and art galleries in the city, and yet there is still much to see. For example, last Sunday we went to the Botanical Garden. Outdoors there was a lot of bright colors; yet we have seen rare tropical plants. They were in the greenhouse, because our climate is too cold for them. We really had a nice time.
When the weather is nice, it's nice to go out of town. We look for a nice place in the woods or on the river bank. We take with meals and a snack outdoors. We play different games, swimming and sunbathing. In the winter we ski on the hills near the town. We make a snowman and snowball. Sometimes my friends and I go to the rink.
When the weather is bad, I'm at home, and sometimes my friends come to me. They bring a new cassette, and we listen to them or just talk.
In the evening, the whole family gets together. We dine, make plans for tomorrow, watch TV or read. Sometimes we receive guests or go for a walk. I get off the weekend a lot of fun.
By the way people use their leisure time, we can determine its character. For most people, work is a necessity: they go to the office or the factory to earn his living. But in their free time, they can do what they really like. Some prefer passive recreation. They are relaxing, watching TV or reading a book. Other active rest: they dig in the garden, or play sports.
НаталкаМастер (1260) 9 лет назад
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Практическая Логика Оракул (72667) 9 лет назад
My favorite day of the week is Friday. On Friday evening I drink vodka and smoke spice . On Friday night I crap.
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