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Пожалуйста, помогите с английским

Нина Иванова Ученик (11), на голосовании 9 лет назад
Помогите, пожалуйста,
Заполните первые пять пропусков тексте подходящими словами из списка:
Example: a) had b) has c) have
5 a) get b) got c) has
6 a) has b) is c) isn‟t
7 a) a b) one c) two
8 a) from b) in c) to
9 a) because b) but c) so
10 a) aren‟t b) weren‟t c) didn‟t
Заполните оставшиеся десять пропусков в тексте любыми другими подходящими по
смыслу словами:
Denver‟s an interesting city and it‟s (5) ______ lots of theatres and
art galleries. There aren‟t many tourists and it (6) _____ very expensive. After (7) ______ days
in Denver, we took a plane (8) ______ Las Vegas. We had single tickets (9) _______ we wanted
to drive back to Denver. Our first stop was the Grand Canyon. There is a hotel in Grand Canyon
village but we (10) _______ stay in the hotel. The weather (11) _____ awful but we decided to
walk to the bottom of the canyon. There is a hostel at the bottom of the canyon (12) _______ we
stayed there. There (13) ______ beds for about thirty people in the hostel and there (14) _______
a kitchen and a dining room. You pay about $50 per person and (15) _____ have dinner and
breakfast there. I come from the north-east of England and I (16) ______ some people from my
home town in the hostel. The hostel was full and (17) _____ were lots of American people there.
I (18) ______ Americans because they‟re so friendly and polite. The next day we had breakfast
(19) ______ seven o‟clock and checked out at half past seven. Then we walked to (20) _____village and had lunch in the hotel.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Вера Криулькина Просветленный (24019) 9 лет назад 7.two 9.because 10.didn't 11.was 12.and 13.are 15.can 16.met 17.there 20.Grand Canyon.
Любовь Долматова Гуру (3336) 9 лет назад
5. Got
6. Is
7. Two
8. To
9. Because
10. Didn't
11. Was
12. And или so
13. Are
14. Is
15. Can
16. Met
17. There
18. Like
19. At
20. Grand Canyon
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