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Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским

Нина Иванова Ученик (11), закрыт 8 лет назад
Сопоставьте выделенные слова в тексте с их английскими определениями
1 satisfying rewarding
2 to have a short sleep _________
3 without shoes or socks _________
4 a person who does something
without being paid _________
5 investigating _________
6 incredible, very good _________
7 from the country, not the town _________
8 the noun from poor

in bare feet
Лучший ответ
Mӓusle Мудрец (19880) 9 лет назад
1 satisfying - rewarding
2 to have a short sleep - to snooze
3 without shoes or socks - in bare feet
4 a person who does something without being paid - a vounteer
5 investigating - researching
6 incredible, very good - amazing
7 from the country, not the town - rural
8 the noun from poor - poverty
Остальные ответы
Любовь Долматова Гуру (3336) 9 лет назад
2. Snooze
3. In bare feet
4. Volunteer
5. Researching
6. Amazing
7. Rural
8. Poverty
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