
Помогите пожалуйста с английским!!

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. =====Номер 1===== If someone asks what your nationality is, how do you answer? For British people NATION identity is a complex-issue. Take me for example. I carry a passport issued by the British GOVERN . I was born in England, but my Mum is Scottish and my Granny is from Northern Ireland. So what am I? ACTUAL, I am really all of them: English, Irish, Scottish and British. Each of the “nations” has a lot in common but they also have their own unique culture and TRADITION lifestyle. They LIKE it when people call them English. And perhaps the most important DIFFER of all – each nation has its own football team! =====Номер 2==== The city of St Davids is situated on the south-west coast of Wales. If you're looking for an USUAL place to go, this is your destination. It was granted city status by Queen Elizabeth II but in reality St Davids looks like an ATTRACT small village. It is actually the smallest city in Britain with a POPULATE of just over 1,600. St Davids has a BEAUTY medieval cathedral which dates back to the 12th century. Today it is a CHARM place with narrow streets filled with cafes, hotels and art galleries – but only one pub! St Davids is famous for its sandy beaches and clear water. White sands Bay is a regular WIN of the prestigious European Blue Flag award.

9 лет назад

If someone asks what your nationality is, how do you answer? For British people NATIONal identity is a complex-issue. Take me for example. I carry a passport issued by the British GOVERNment. I was born in England, but my Mum is Scottish and my Granny is from Northern Ireland. So what am I? ACTUALly, I am really all of them: English, Irish, Scottish and British. Each of the “nations” has a lot in common but they also have their own unique culture and TRADITIONal lifestyle. They disLIKE it when people call them English. And perhaps the most important DIFFERence of all – each nation has its own football team! =====Номер 2==== The city of St Davids is situated on the south-west coast of Wales. If you're looking for an unUSUAL place to go, this is your destination. It was granted city status by Queen Elizabeth II but in reality St Davids looks like an ATTRACTive small village. It is actually the smallest city in Britain with a POPULATion of just over 1,600. St Davids has a BEAUTYful medieval cathedral which dates back to the 12th century. Today it is a CHARMing place with narrow streets filled with cafes, hotels and art galleries – but only one pub! St Davids is famous for its sandy beaches and clear water. White sands Bay is a regular WINner of the prestigious European Blue Flag award.

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