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rocky balboa Ученик (11), закрыт 10 лет назад
1)where are the Altai and the Caucasus mountains situated? WHAT OTHER rUSSIAN MOUNTAIN CHAINS DO YOU KNOW? 2) what waters is the rives Lena and Ob situated? What other Russian rivers do you know? 3) what waters is the country washed by? 4) what can you say about Lake Baikal? 5) what do you think are the most important events in the history of Russia? 6) can you name any famous people of Russia? who are they& what are they famous for? 7) what symbols of Russia do you know? 8) what can you say about the Russian national flag? why white . blue and red have always been symbolic colours in Russia and what do they symbolize?
Лучший ответ
Широков Александр Просветленный (46523) 16 лет назад
1) Altai is situated in the center of Asia. Caucasus is situated between Black Sea and Caspian Sea (Salt lake). I know Ural mountchain (the border between Eastern Europe and Asia), Khibiny on Kola Penincula and Sayan mountains in the Central Asia.
2) Lena and Ob situated in North Ice Ocean waters. I know Volga, Dneper, Oka and Yauza great Russian rivers.
3) Russia is washed by North Ice Ocean, Atlantic Ocean (Baltic and Black Seas) and Pacific Ocean on the Far East.
4) Baikal is the greatest storage of the clear water in the World. It is very deep - over 5000 feet.
5) The most important events of Russian history are Kulickov Battle in 1380(liberation from Tatar occupation), invention of radio by Popov in 1895 and Great Victory in WWII in 1945.
6) The most famous people in Russia Pushkin, Lermontov and Esenin. They all are poets. In Russia poet is more, than only a poet - he is a leader of people`s souls.
7) I know most famous symbols of Russia - bears, vodka and matryoshka :)
8) The Russian national flag is the most beautifull flag in the world - white-blue-red. I don`t know exactly what do these colors symbolize. May by exactly like in French tricolor flag, may be union of brother nations: white - Belorussia, blue - Ukrainea, red - Russia. These colors are really very famous among people of this nations.
Остальные ответы
*STENC* SLG Мастер (1412) 16 лет назад
Не парься и напиши на русском легче буден на только овечающим, но и тебе читать полегче!!!
radga67 Гуру (4899) 16 лет назад
1), где Алтай и Кавказские горы расположен? То, что другие российские горные цепи вы знаете? 2) каковы вод Рив Лены и Оби расположен? Что других российских реках ты знаешь? 3) какой вод страна омывается водами? 4) что вы можете сказать об озере Байкал? 5) что вы думаете, являются наиболее важными событиями в истории России? 6) Вы можете называть известных людей России? которые они и каковы они известны? 7) какие символы России вы знаете? 8), что вы можете сказать по поводу русского национального флага? почему белые. синий и красный всегда были символические цветов в Россию и что они символизируют?
banadyk, шалю йоптать! Искусственный Интеллект (113255) 16 лет назад
Привыкай уроки делать самостоятельно, потом в жизни легче будет.
arini-k Мудрец (13773) 16 лет назад
where are the Altai and the Caucasus mountains situated? WHAT OTHER rUSSIAN MOUNTAIN CHAINS DO YOU KNOW? These mountains are situated at the east of Russia. I know also the Ural Mountain chain2) what waters is the rives Lena and Ob situated? What other Russian rivers do you know? 3) what waters is the country washed by? 4) what can you say about Lake Baikal? It is the deepest lake in the world 5) what do you think are the most important events in the history of Russia? The victory in WW 2 is.6) can you name any famous people of Russia? who are they& what are they famous for? 7) what symbols of Russia do you know? 8) what can you say about the Russian national flag? why white . blue and red have always been symbolic colours in Russia and what do they symbolize?
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