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помогите, пожалуйста, перевести на англ. следующие предложения:

Be yourself! Знаток (446), закрыт 15 лет назад
Знание языков, расширяет кругозор человека и даёт ему возможность общаться с людьми разных национальностей.

Мой английский ещё не на том уровне, чтобы вам ответить.

Я люблю историю своего народа и историю других народов мира.
Лучший ответ
Пользователь удален Мастер (1569) 15 лет назад
The knowledge of languages, expands an outlook of the person and gives the chance to it to communicate with people of different nationalities.

My English yet at that level to answer.

I love history of the people and history of other nations of the world.
Остальные ответы
Неизвестно Неизвестно Мастер (1794) 15 лет назад
The Knowledge of the languages, increases the outlook of the person and gives him possibility to communicate with people of the different nationalities.

My english not yet on that level to you to answer.

I love the history of its folk and history other folk world.
((*`*:•,Oле,•:°:•,4Каа,•:*`*)) Гуру (4317) 15 лет назад
knowledge of languages expands the outlook of a person and gives him a chance to communicate with people of different nationalities.
my english is not good enough to answer you.
i am fond of russian history and history of other nations of the world
Mashanya Гений (79563) 15 лет назад
(The) Knowledge of languages broadens a person's outlook (=liberalizes a person) and gives him/her an opportunity of communicating with people of different nationalities.
My English isn't at such a level yet as to answer (=to respond) you. (My English leaves much to be desired to answer you).
I like my people's (=my folks') history and the history of other people of the world.
Emily Мастер (2378) 15 лет назад
Knowing of languages makes your ken wider and gives you an opportunity to talk with other people of different nationalities.
I don't have english at my finger nails yet.
I like the history of my nation and of others nations
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