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Помогите пожалуйста с домашней работай по английскому-языку. За ранее спасибо!!

Вадим Юсупов Знаток (282), закрыт 7 лет назад
Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание

в) на перевод русских глаголов видеть, смотреть:
1. Где вы были вчера? Я не видел вас на работе (в учреждении). 2. Посмотрите на карту. Какая это карта? 3. Какой. фильм вы видели вчера?— Мы видели новый фильм о студентах. 4. Я увижу преподавательницу моего сына завтра утром. 5. Он посмотрел на меня и спросил: “Вы работали на заводе три года тому назад? ”

г) на перевод глаголов завтракать, обедать, ужинать и
соответствующих существительных:
1. Когда вы обычно обедаете (завтракаете, ужинаете)? 2.Он не обедал дома позавчера. 3. Вы пойдете гулять
перед ужином? 4. Ты пригласишь своих друзей на обед?
5. Что у нас будет сегодня на завтрак? 6. Где ваш
друг?— Он обедает.

д) на употребление глаголов to ask for (просить), to ask (спрашивать)::
1. Что он просит? —Он просит новый журнал. 2. Что он спрашивает?— Он спрашивает о семье товарища Петрова. 3. Они задали нам много вопросов о нашей стране. 4. Он не просил у меня тетрадь, он попросил у меня учебник.

е) на место прямого и косвенного дополнений:
1. Когда вы мне дадите эту книгу? 2. Вы дали эту книгу Мэри или Анне? —Я дал ее Анне. 3. Не читайте мне этой статьи, я знаю её. 4. Преподаватель читает им новый текст. 5. Я хочу прочитать эту статью. Не отправляйте ее им сегодня.
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666_Фонк_666 Мастер (1173) 8 лет назад
c) on the translation of Russian verbs to see to watch:
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

d) translation of verbs breakfast, lunch, and dinner
corresponding nouns:
1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

d) on the use of verbs to ask for (ask), to ask (ask) ::
1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

e) the place of direct and indirect:
1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
Вадим ЮсуповЗнаток (282) 8 лет назад
Большое вам спасибо**!!!
666_Фонк_666 Мастер (1173) Пожалуйсто!:)
паша горбатков Ученик (171) 8 лет назад
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
Тимур Шморгун Ученик (163) 8 лет назад
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
Froster Froster Ученик (171) 8 лет назад
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
lexa vekker Ученик (98) 8 лет назад
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
ᶯᵃᶯᶶᵸᵃ Знаток (306) 8 лет назад
. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
Владислав Салимовский Ученик (170) 8 лет назад
Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
oleg korj Профи (513) 8 лет назад
c) on the translation of Russian verbs to see to watch:
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

d) translation of verbs breakfast, lunch, and dinner
corresponding nouns:
1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

d) on the use of verbs to ask for (ask), to ask (ask) ::
1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

e) the place of direct and indirect:
1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
Никитос Летсплейшик Ученик (95) 8 лет назад
7 -8 клас ммммм я 4 я не знат балы взять
рома иванов Ученик (191) 8 лет назад
1. Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
Dendi младший Ученик (148) 8 лет назад
Where were you yesterday? I have not seen you at work (in the institution). 2. Look at the map. What is a map? 3. What. movie you saw yesterday? - We have seen a new film about the students. 4. I will see my son's teacher in the morning. 5. He looked at me and asked: "You have worked in the factory three years ago? "

1. When do you usually have lunch (breakfast, supper)? 2.He not dined at home the day before. 3. You will go for a walk
before dinner? 4. Do you invite your friends to dinner?
5. What we will have for breakfast today? 6. Where is your
one? - he dined.

1. What did he ask? He's asking for a new magazine. 2. What did he ask? - He asks about the family of Comrade Petrov. 3. They asked us many questions about our country. 4. He did not ask for my notebook, he asked me for the tutorial.

1. When will you give me that book? 2. You have given this book by Mary or Anne? -I Gave it to Anne. 3. Do not read this article, I, I know it. 4. The teacher reads them a new text. 5. I want to read this article. Do not send it to them today.
нурзада таалайбек Ученик (196) 8 лет назад
Заболоцкий верил в возможность развития разума во всех живых существах: в растениях и животных. Он ощущал ...природы и ...В этом заключается.... стихотворения.
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