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Помогите переделать текст в более нормальную форму, я имею ввиду исправить все ошибки и сделать его более понятливым

Сергей Ермошкин Ученик (199), закрыт 4 года назад
There I did an experiment which is shows, that which colour of the light spectrum are most important for plan growth? For first experiment I choose spinach. Also I chosen red and violet colours as the lights. Every experiments were made in 30 days. Then I turned on the light and there were appeared a plants. A calendar was changed from 1 to 30 days. To measured the size of plants I used a ruler which were there. Then I made the table and put all of my results from first experiment to the table. Then I changed the colours of the lights, from red and violet to blue and green. Again I measured the size of plant and put results in a table. There was left the orange light. I did everything exactly the same with another experiments. Then I chosen Radish and made one more table. Firstly I did an experiment with red and violet colours and put results in a table, then with blue and green and in the end of experiment I did with orange one and put results in a table. All of my results I put in a table. For the last experiment I chosen lettuce and made a table. Then I selected the red and violet lights and put the results in a table. Next I chosen green and blue for an experiment and put results in a table.
Лучший ответ
Василий Шамашов Гений (89882) 8 лет назад
Понятливым может быть человек, а текст - понятным. По сути: исправлению не поддаётся. Тут нужно делать новый перевод.
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