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2.1. Поставьте глагол в нужную временную форму, укажите грамматическое время:

Николай Кравцов Ученик (132), на голосовании 8 лет назад
1)I (to be) at home this evening.
2)Look! Jane (to swim) in the river.
3)The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we (to play) tennis.
4)I (to go) to the college every day.
5)My baby (to sleep) at the moment.
6)She is married and she (to wear) a ring.
7)They (to have) a nice weekend last week.
8)Whom they (to speak) to when I met them at the station?

2.2.Переведите предложения на русский язык

2.3.Задайте общий вопрос к предложениям

2.4. Поставьте данные предложения в отрицательную форму
Голосование за лучший ответ
Белый Ангел Мастер (2031) 8 лет назад
Вот очень хорошая табличка времен английских глаголов:
Я понимаю что вам лень и так просто когда кто-то за вас выполнит задание, но поверьте, английский вам в жизни очень пригодится. Поэтому совмещайте получение хороших оценок со вкладыванием в свое будущее благополучие! Удачи! :)

1)I will be at home this evening. (Future simple) Я буду дома этим вечером.
Will i be at home this evening? I will not be at home this evening.
2)Look! Jane is swimming in the river. (Present Continuous) Смотри! Джейн плавает в реке
Is Jane swimming in the river? Jane is not swimming in the river.
3)The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we played tennis. (Past Simple) Вчера после обеда погода была хорошая и мы играли в теннис. Was the weather good yesterday afternoon? Did we play tennis? The weather was not good yesterday afrernoon, so we did not play tennis.
4)I go to the college every day.(Present simple) Я хожу в колледж каждый день. Do i go to the college every day?
I do not go to the college every day.
5)My baby is sleeping at the moment.(Present continuous) Мой малыш сейчас спит. Is my baby sleeping at the moment? My baby is not sleeping at the moment.
6)She is married and she wears a ring. (Present simple) Она замужем и носит кольцо. Is she married? Does she wear a ring? She is not married and she does not wear a ring.
7)They had a nice weekend last week. (Past Simple) На прошлой неделе у них были хорошие выходные. Did they have a nice weekend last week? They did not have a nice weekend last week.
8)Whom they were speaking to when I met them at the station? (Past continuous) С кем они говорили когда я встретил их на станции? Were they speaking to someone when i met them at the station? They were not speaking to anyone when i met them at the station.
Vlados Mokruha Знаток (353) 8 лет назад
1)I will be at home this evening. (Future simple) Я буду дома этим вечером.
Will i be at home this evening? I will not be at home this evening.
2)Look! Jane is swimming in the river. (Present Continuous) Смотри! Джейн плавает в реке
Is Jane swimming in the river? Jane is not swimming in the river.
3)The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we played tennis. (Past Simple) Вчера после обеда погода была хорошая и мы играли в теннис. Was the weather good yesterday afternoon? Did we play tennis? The weather was not good yesterday afrernoon, so we did not play tennis.
4)I go to the college every day.(Present simple) Я хожу в колледж каждый день. Do i go to the college every day?
I do not go to the college every day.
5)My baby is sleeping at the moment.(Present continuous) Мой малыш сейчас спит. Is my baby sleeping at the moment? My baby is not sleeping at the moment.
6)She is married and she wears a ring. (Present simple) Она замужем и носит кольцо. Is she married? Does she wear a ring? She is not married and she does not wear a ring.
7)They had a nice weekend last week. (Past Simple) На прошлой неделе у них были хорошие выходные. Did they have a nice weekend last week? They did not have a nice weekend last week.
8)Whom they were speaking to when I met them at the station? (Past continuous) С кем они говорили когда я встретил их на станции? Were they speaking to someone when i met them at the station? They were not speaking to anyone when i met them at the station.
Белый АнгелМастер (2031) 8 лет назад
*********Это было скопировано с моего поста! ************
Тори Мастер (1697) 8 лет назад
1)I will be at home this evening. (Future simple) Я буду дома этим вечером.
Will i be at home this evening? I will not be at home this evening.
2)Look! Jane is swimming in the river. (Present Continuous) Смотри! Джейн плавает в реке
Is Jane swimming in the river? Jane is not swimming in the river.
3)The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we played tennis. (Past Simple) Вчера после обеда погода была хорошая и мы играли в теннис. Was the weather good yesterday afternoon? Did we play tennis? The weather was not good yesterday afrernoon, so we did not play tennis.
4)I go to the college every day.(Present simple) Я хожу в колледж каждый день. Do i go to the college every day?
I do not go to the college every day.
5)My baby is sleeping at the moment.(Present continuous) Мой малыш сейчас спит. Is my baby sleeping at the moment? My baby is not sleeping at the moment.
6)She is married and she wears a ring. (Present simple) Она замужем и носит кольцо. Is she married? Does she wear a ring? She is not married and she does not wear a ring.
7)They had a nice weekend last week. (Past Simple) На прошлой неделе у них были хорошие выходные. Did they have a nice weekend last week? They did not have a nice weekend last week.
8)Whom they were speaking to when I met them at the station? (Past continuous) С кем они говорили когда я встретил их на станции? Were they speaking to someone when i met them at the station? They were not speaking to anyone when i met them at the station.
Белый АнгелМастер (2031) 8 лет назад
*************Это было скопировано с моего поста! ***************
Анастасия Черепанова Знаток (309) 8 лет назад
Мы это как раз сейчас проходим!
Вероника Минихаматова Ученик (150) 8 лет назад
правильно, что отправили таблицу вот по ней посмотри слова пороли, или ключевые слова ну например every или last, вот смотри время и учи правило!
Николай КравцовУченик (132) 8 лет назад
я на заочном отделении и мне некогда, а может даже и лень совмещать службу с учёбой, стараюсь всё сделать на самой сессии так как даже бывает что времени на ней не хватает приходится сюда писать. так что не осуждайте людей раньше времени, а те кто эти задания делают на раз два я не думаю что им составит большого труда
Денчик Танк Ученик (134) 8 лет назад
)I (to be) at home this evening.
2)Look! Jane (to swim) in the river.
3)The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we (to play) tennis.
4)I (to go) to the college every day.
5)My baby (to sleep) at the moment.
6)She is married and she (to wear) a ring.
7)They (to have) a nice weekend last week.
8)Whom they (to speak) to when I met them at the station?
Максим Карманов Ученик (210) 8 лет назад
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