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помогите пожалуйста поставить недостающие модальные глаголы!

Марина Каштанова Знаток (276), на голосовании 8 лет назад
1. My sister can read English but she ...not read German.
2. Who ...recite this poem?
3. ..I smoke here? – I am afraid not.
4. ..I pay for these books at once? – No, you needn't. You for them in a day or two.
5. The lesson is over. We ...go home now.
6. ..I take your dictionary? – Do, please.
7. Must we translate this article in class? – No, you'll do it at home.
8. You ...find our dean upstairs.
9. ..I see your father's study?
10. What kind of furniture see in the sitting-room?
11. You ...take a cold shower every morning.
12. ..I come to see you tomorrow at ten o'clock?
13. do this translation in the morning?
14. I at the Institute at eight.
15. It is dark. You ...draw the curtains.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Alexander Gromov Ученик (15) 8 лет назад
Поздновато, но все же:
3.may, can;
4.must, may;
5.can, may;
6.may, can;
7.need not;
11.must, may;
~Zhanna~Ученик (142) 6 лет назад
почему два варианта там где нужен только один?
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