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Раскройте скобки поставив глагол в Present Perfect

Олечка Шпак Ученик (243), закрыт 8 лет назад
1 It's the end of the term and the students (just/pass) their exams 2 He wants to travel abroad but he (not/obtain) the visa yet 3 (she/find) a solution to her problem? 4 How long (you/work) for an airline?
Лучший ответ
Маил Мамишев Гений (96467) 8 лет назад
(just/pass) = have just passed
(not/obtain) =has not obtained
(she/find) =Has she found
(you/work) = have you worked
Остальные ответы
Control-X Гуру (3458) 8 лет назад
students have just passed
he has not obtained
has she found a solution
have you worked
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