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Я понимаю, что это наглость) Но помогите, плиз, еще (( 7 предложений перевести в Passive Voice.

Юлия Евгеньевна Знаток (430), закрыт 8 лет назад
Контрольную просто утром сдавать, а задание только вечером получила ((
2.The windows are really dirty: they were not cleaned for weeks.
3.After the company made him redundant, he became very depressed.
4.I would like them to have given me the chance to explain my point of view, but they weren’t interested.
5.I hope they will choose me for the college football team.
6.They should have given us this information ages ago.
7.Do you want someone to wake you up in the morning?
8.We can’t take the car: the people at the garage are repairing it.
Лучший ответ
seagull Просветленный (33816) 8 лет назад
2.The windows are really dirty: they were not cleaned for weeks.
The windows are really dirty as they haven't been cleaned for weeks,
3.After the company made him redundant, he became very depressed.
Being redundant by the company made him very depressed.
4.I would like them to have given me the chance to explain my point of view, but they weren’t interested.
I haven't been given a chance to explain my point of view as they weren' interested.
5.I hope they will choose me for the college football team.
I hope to be chosen by them for the college football team.
6.They should have given us this information ages ago.
7.Do you want someone to wake you up in the morning?
Do you wanr to be woken up by somebody in the morning?
8.We can’t take the car: the people at the garage are repairing it.
The car can't be taken as it's being repaired by people at the garage,

Нравится Ответить
Юлия ЕвгеньевнаЗнаток (430) 8 лет назад
Вы мой герой))) Спасибо)))
Остальные ответы
ivro 9 Профи (500) 8 лет назад
грудь по вебке покажешь?
Юлия ЕвгеньевнаЗнаток (430) 8 лет назад
ага. все три))
ivro 9 Профи (500) хех.
Иван Иванов Мудрец (17783) 8 лет назад
2.The windows are really dirty: they were not cleaned for weeks. - это и так уже в Passive Voice.. ничего, у тебя еще вся ночь впереди + интернет.. сама разберешься
Юлия ЕвгеньевнаЗнаток (430) 8 лет назад
Благодарю за "помощь", но Вы опоздали со своим "сама разберешься")
Иван Иванов Мудрец (17783) да не стоит благодарности.. рад был помочь БЕЗВОЗМЕЗДНО
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