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помогите пожалуйста с английским (( Буду очень благодарна на помощь))

Елизавета Горбик Ученик (95), на голосовании 8 лет назад
Robert Baden-Powell was the man who founded the Scouting movement. He had a great military career. He got his training in India and Africa. Robert Powell was an officer in the war between the British and the Boers in South Africa. Here he became well-famous because he held a key town Mafeking, for 217 days against a big enemy force. He stood until another army group broke through the Boer lines. And the army group helped him and his men.
Baden Powell came home to England as the greatest hero of the Boer war. He decided to use his fame and to help British boys to become better men.
He developed his ideas. He based them on his own experiences. Then he tasted them with a group of boys. He established the first Boy Scout camp in 1907. Then he published the book “Scouting for boys”. Thousands of boys bought it and decided to become Scouts. Soon Scouting spread in England and around the world.


1. A) Robert Baden-Powell was from India.
B) Robert Baden-Powell was from England.

2. A) He founded the Scouting movement.
B) He founded the State University.

3. A) He became the hero of his country.
B) He became the enemy of his country.

4. A) Robert Baden-Powell decided to help British men.
B) Robert Baden-Powell decided to help British boys.

5. A) The first Boy Scout camp was founded in the beginning of the 20th century.
B) The first Boy Scout camp was founded in the ending of the 20th century.


1) He … his day off last year.
a) spent b) spends c) spend
2) they … tennis every week.
a) plays b) play c) playing
3) … my brother … a song tomorrow?
a) Will… sang b) Will … sing c) Do … sing
4) The houses … by people every year.
a) is build b) is built c) are built
5) Our mum … already … a cake.
a) has … cooked b) cooked c) is cooking
6) Yuri Gagarin is a legendary …
a) politician b) astronaut c) cosmonaut
7) William Shakespeare was a great …
a) American playwright b) Russian poet c) English writer
8) My sister is a girl … is good at Maths.
a) which b)who c) whom
9) The show was … . I was … .
a) boring, bored b) bored, boring
10) Next year I … going to learn to play the piano.
a) is b) am c) are
Голосование за лучший ответ
Катя Профи (727) 8 лет назад

Мария БогуцкаяУченик (185) 4 года назад
большое спасибо
Пустая принцесса Ученик (88) 8 лет назад
2)1-а, 2-б, 3- а или б, 4-б дальше лень))
Первые 4 задания нужно всего лишь поработать по тексту, так сложно что-ли? Второе задание на тему ВРЕМЯ, просто нужно знать её.
Елизавета ГорбикУченик (95) 8 лет назад
я первую часть сделал уже .. а со второй проблемно ((
Пустая принцесса Ученик (88) Я вот тоже с временами не очень) Набери в инете, там легко сориентироваться
Лесси рр Ученик (242) 8 лет назад
1. B) Robert Baden-Powell was from England.
2. A) He founded the Scouting movement.
3. A) He became the hero of his country.
4. B) Robert Baden-Powell decided to help British boys.
5. A) The first Boy Scout camp was founded in the beginning of the 20th century.

1) a) spent
2) b) play
3) b) Will … sing
4) b) is built
5) a) has … cooked
6) c) cosmonaut
7) c) English writer
8) a) which
9) a) boring, bored
10) c) are
Den3902 Гуру (2984) 8 лет назад

1 a
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 c
7 c
8 b
9 a
10 b

Эх, вот так все уроки и делают...
Елизавета ГорбикУченик (95) 8 лет назад
я сама делаю все уроки ) просто с английским немного проблемно ((
Елизавета ГорбикУченик (95) 8 лет назад
а откуда вы взяли эти ответы?
Den3902 Гуру (2984) Было задание, я его сделал)
Влад Фанайлов Ученик (132) 5 лет назад
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 c
7 c
8 b
9 a
10 b
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