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У кого хорошо с английским на слух, напишите, пожалуйста, слова из песни SEREBRO Storm.

Diana Makridina Профи (827), закрыт 7 лет назад
Дополнен 7 лет назад
Для всех остроумных - если вы что-то нашли в яндексе или гугле по теме - напишите, скиньте ссылку. Потому что я, кроме палевных заголовков, за которыми якобы есть текст песни (и что самое главное - текст именно этой, а не какой-то другой песни), ничего не нашла.
Лучший ответ
Dramorian Мыслитель (5821) 7 лет назад
All along
The way back home
Here my song
And keep me on
We both know
The miles we go
Who comes first
I need your thirst
No matter where you from
And I don't wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm
Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood's so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm
Dare to be mine
And cross the line
Cause you'll be fine
For a while
Don't get on time
I take high
Get piece of mind
And turn my sidе
No matter where you from
And I don't wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm
Остальные ответы
Ilyas Karagozli Мудрец (16837) 7 лет назад
Тебя в Google заблокировали?
Diana MakridinaПрофи (827) 7 лет назад
Вы бы сами попробовали это сделать сначала, нет там его, по первой строке выходит другой текст песни
Ilyas Karagozli Мудрец (16837) вот, нашёл
Алексей Григорьев Ученик (138) 7 лет назад
Я так понимаю песня новая, поэтому просто подождите пару дней и текст появится в сети
Лариса Батакова Мыслитель (5757) 7 лет назад
Ссылка не работает.
Diana MakridinaПрофи (827) 7 лет назад
Странно, у меня работает. Попробуйте по прямой ссылке :
mia-mia Профи (620) 7 лет назад


Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood's so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm

All along
The way back home
Here my song
And keep me on
We both know
The miles we go
Who comes first
I need your thirst

No matter where you from
And I don’t wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm

Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood’s so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm

Dare to be mine
And cross the line
Cause you’ll be fine
For a while
Don’t get on time
I take high
Get piece of mind
And turn my sidе

No matter where you from
And I don’t wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm

Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood’s so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm
Diana MakridinaПрофи (827) 7 лет назад
Спасибо, но выше уже опубликовали тот же текст... и похоже взят он оттуда же, т. к. дата публикации на сайте стоит 28/05/2016 - 22:08 :)
Дмитрий Мастер (1830) 7 лет назад
Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood's so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm

All along
The way back home
Here my song
And keep me on
We both know
The miles we go
Who comes first
I need your thirst

No matter where you from
And I don’t wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm

Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood’s so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm

Dare to be mine
And cross the line
Cause you’ll be fine
For a while
Don’t get on time
I take high
Get piece of mind
And turn my sidе

No matter where you from
And I don’t wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm

Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood’s so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm
Apace Знаток (455) 7 лет назад
All along
The way back home
Here my song
And keep me on
We both know
The miles we go
Who comes first
I need your thirst
No matter where you from
And I don't wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm
Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood's so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm
Dare to be mine
And cross the line
Cause you'll be fine
For a while
Don't get on time
I take high
Get piece of mind
And turn my sidе
No matter where you from
And I don't wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm
денис леонов Просветленный (43007) 7 лет назад
All along
The way back home
Here my song
And keep me on
We both know
The miles we go
Who comes first
I need your thirst
No matter where you from
And I don't wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm
Bring back the storm
While I perform - love me better
I wanna get in the swarm
Bring back the storm
My blood's so warm - for the better
I wanna get in the storm
Dare to be mine
And cross the line
Cause you'll be fine
For a while
Don't get on time
I take high
Get piece of mind
And turn my sidе
No matter where you from
And I don't wanna know
Take on so
I love this dorm
And every night we want
A little bit or more
Take on so
I love this dorm
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