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используя слова (в скобках) составьте предложения, используя will и the Present Simple.

Aня Angel Знаток (389), закрыт 7 лет назад
пример :(Tom/help/us/when/he/come/home)-Tom will help us when he comes home.
1.(I/buy/the tickets/before/I/go/to work)
2.(As soon as/Henry/arrive/we/have/something to eat)
3.(The play/start/after/the music/stop)
4.(He/not/stop/until/he/finish/the job)
5.(When John/get/here/we/go/to the beach)
Лучший ответ
Регина Высший разум (554994) 7 лет назад
используя слова (в скобках) составьте предложения, используя will и the Present Simple

1. I will buy the tickets before I go to work.
2. As soon as Henry arrives we will have something to eat.
3. The play will start after the music stops.
4. He won't stop until he finishes the job.
5. When John gets here we will go to the beach.
Остальные ответы
Ибрагим Ругова Мыслитель (7169) 7 лет назад
1.I will buy the tickets before I go to work
2.As soon as Henry will arrive we have something to eat
3.The play will start after the music stops
4. He will not stop until he finishes the job
5. When John will get here we go to the beach

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