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Как я провел лето?... На Англиском Каникулы из одной недели. т. е по дням пару предложений на один день

Рафаэл Нуруев Знаток (330), на голосовании 7 лет назад
Write a deary page about how you spent your time during the holidays. Use as many new words from the lesson as possible.
Напишите как можно больше слов о том, как вы провели время на каникулах.
Используйте как можно больше слов из перечисленных: on one`s own; to come round; to go on the Internet; to browse; to surf; mate; microwaveable; to apologise; a reply; to text; to pop into; funky; to pray; to chat; to look forward.
Чтоб была хоть какая та правда, расскажу, что примерно делал летом: Интернет, улица, дача, озеро, велик, тренировки по боксу.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Vitali Chubakov Профи (929) 7 лет назад
During this summer I did all those things, that young men in my age usually do.
Going on the Internet took most of the time. We lived in my grandma's datcha. From time to time I chatted on the phone with my moke. She was in one of the resorts in Italy together with her rich parents. Sometimes I went out to breathe at open air, went cycling to a lake, met my schoolmates and we surfed the Internet lying on the bank near the water and went by the way to some prohibited sites.
I was not much fond of boxing, but I had to visit some trainings, where I had one or two sparring matches. Once I knocked my opponent down and was afraid he might get a sort of brain trauma. Then I had to apologize. That guy said it was OK, although he had to go to x-ray of his scull that day.
Не судите меня строго. Это моя фантазия.
Рафаэл НуруевЗнаток (330) 7 лет назад
Как то жестко про бокс)
Vitali Chubakov Профи (929) Это реалии нашей жизни. Бокс очень травмоопасный вид спорта.
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