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Переделать в косвенную речь. Английский язык.

Алексей Мигонько Ученик (133), закрыт 1 год назад
В косвенную речь переделать.
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (332960) 1 год назад
The policeman asked me if I had seen his partner.
The policeman asked me if he could see some identification.
The policeman asked me what exactly I had done there.
The policeman asked me who I was looking for.
The policeman asked me if I had lost.
The policeman asked me if I had parked my car there.
The policeman asked me if I would be there the next day.
The policeman asked me if my mother had called me.
The policeman asked me why I was crying.
The policeman asked me what had happened.
The policeman asked me if I needed any help.
Остальные ответы
Corruptibilis Caro Мыслитель (8787) 7 лет назад
Алексей МигонькоУченик (133) 7 лет назад
На ней все видно.
Corruptibilis Caro Мыслитель (8787) АГА=) хорошая зарядка для шеи, чё
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